Who's in First
No 2
Threezah crowd
There four

How old is President Jimmy Carter as of today?

99. Birthday 1st October 1924


Why was the 2nd World War so-called? Was it second best? Was it 2nd in death toll? Was it second-longest? Is it from the German "Sech und"?

No, it was second chronologically. Duh!


Known by the 3 letter acronyms, MI5 and MI6, what do the letters M and I actually stand for?

Military Intelligence (an oxymoron?)


Name the four established Beatles

John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr


Why was the TV detective series set on Hawaii, called "Hawaii Five-0"?

Hawaii is the 50th state


Who followed JFK as president after the assassination in November 1963?

And for an unspecified extra number of points, from which state did he hail?

The Vice President at the time, LBJ or Lindon B Johnson



The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified on December 15, 1791. What right does it protect?

And for an unspecified extra number of points, how did the Supreme Court clarify this amendment, in 2008?

"The right to keep and bear arms"

It affirmed, for the first time, that the right belongs to individuals, for self-defence in the home


What are you going to find by using the formula: ⁴⁄₃πr³?

The volume of a sphere


Name the four horsemen of the apocalypse who ride, one each, upon a white, a red, a black, and a pale horse






How many active volcanoes are there in the the Hawaiian island chain?


  • Loihi 
  • Kilauea 
  • Mauna  Loa 
  • Hualalai 
  • Haleakala

Who was the only U.S. President to serve for more than two terms, and why?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). There was no limit on terms until after the 2nd World War and FDR won two elections during that war, after the first two during the Great Depression. 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944


Who is the best 2nd brother?

David, obvs


In cooking, what is the Cajun Holy Trinity?

And for an unspecified extra number of points, how does the French "mirepoix" differ?

Onions, bell pepper and celery, sautéed together.

It consists of onions, carrots and celery


Henry Bolingbroke, or Henry IV, after more than a dozen kings of England and 300 years since the Norman Conquest, was the first to do what?

And for an unspecified extra number of points, which king did he usurp?

Speak English as his Mother tongue

Richard II


In 2015, the Mauna Loa observatory recorded something not seen for nearly 20 million years - what was it?

CO2 levels in the atmosphere of 400 parts per million. Mauna Loa is the official recording site for global atmospheric CO2 content.


Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada and where was he born? 

(I may decide to award more points, depending on your accuracy)

John MacDoanld, or "The Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald GCB PC QC". Born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1815, served as Canadian PM 1878 to 1891.


Used colloquially, and acceptable in polite company, this soil nutrient is often referred to by the author. What is it?



What does the acronym BYD of the Chinese car manufacturer actually stand for?

Build Your Dreams


South Africa has 12 official languages, all of equal legal standing. Can you name any 4?

Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, South African Sign Language, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu, and English


This the pentagram in a window of Amiens Cathedral. What is odd about it?

It is upside down - usually considered to be a sign of evil, rather than good!


Who is considered to have been the first Prime Minister of what was then known as the "Kingdom of Great Britain"?

Robert Walpole, who led the government of the Kingdom of Great Britain for over twenty years from 1721, is considered to be the first prime minister. Walpole is also the longest-serving British prime minister by this definition.

The first prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, at its creation on 1 January 1801, was William Pitt the Younger.


What is unusual about ring gauge size 2?

It doesn't seem to exist. The smallest quoted is U.S. size 3, 14.05mm diameter, size F in the UK.


My first motorbike, bought by Grandad for me when I was about 11, was a BSA Bantam D7. WHat do the initials BSA stand for?

Birmingham Small Arms Company Limited


Die Kuhe, sheepses, giraffes and goats, bison and mooses (not mice) are ruminants with four-chambered stomachs. (usually mentioned as four stomachs).

Name these 4 chambers...

the rumen, the reticulum, the omasum, and the abomasum


Henry V famously won the Battle of Agincourt. In which year?

