What are the 6 Nutrients?
Carbohydrates, Fat, Proteins, Water, Minerals, and Vitamins
What things can you eat to be healthy?
eat fruits and vegetables
Whole grain, fish and nuts are good to eat
How many calories is a HPB Breakfast?
413 calories
What effects can a Diet cause?
it can lower blood pressure, lower stress, and promote healthy eating.
Name a Benefit of Protein
it helps form bones, skin, and tissue
what shouldn't you eat if you want to be healthy?
Don't eat foods that are high in cholesterol and saturated fat.
How many calories is a HPB Lunch?
952.1 calories
What can happen if you don't be healthy?
it can cause diseases, lower energy, weaker immune system, and early death.
Name a benefit of Carbs
Provides energy for you and your brain
What would a high blood pressure diet consist of?
Most types of fish, citrus fruits, and most leafy greens.
How many calories is a HPB Dinner?
730 calories
What are the causes of hypertension?
it can be caused by lifestyle, unhealthy diet choices, health conditions, family history, age, and environmental issues.
Name a benefit of water
It regulates body temperature
What kind of foods should you avoid if you have hypertension?
Salted chips, butter, candy, red meats, and alcohol
How many calories would a Banana be?
105 calories
What are the effects of a high blood pressure diet?
it reduces sodium, increase fiber, increase potassium, calcium, magnesium, reduce saturated fat, and reduce sugar.
Name a benefit of Minerals
Regulates Body processes and helps vision
Why is it important to eat veggies?
it provides nutrients, brain power, is very healthy
How many calories is a blood orange?
70 calories
What is HPB?
It is pressure in the arteries