la bouche
le dos
le genou
the knee
your bottom(behind) (spelling counts!)
la derrière
the world is a stage
the hand
la main
the head....accent included!
la tête
la hanche
the foot
le pied
the forearm
My stubborn dresser drawer refused to close.
the thumb
le pouce
Which of these is NOT part of the head?
l'oreille, la visage, la bouche, l'orteil, la nez, les lèvres
the shoulder
the calf
la poitrine et la poignet
the chest and wrist
I almost died laughing at Mr. Alstad's cleverly unique dad jokes
the forearm
l'avant bras
le sourcil, la tete, la cheville, les cils, l'oreille, les cheveux, les yeux
la cheville
the parts of the body
les parties du corps
the heel
la talon
the cheek and the thigh
la joue et la cuisse
My mom will hit the roof if I don't do my chores.
the palm
la paume
la bouche, les dents, les levres, la langue, la joue
la nombril
the ankle
l'orteil et l'oreille et l'ongle
After Patrick did his chores, his room was clean as a whistle.
the wrist
le poignet
Of all the parts of the head/neck what is missing? (French and English!) Hint: (Not l'epaule)
les yeux, l'oeil, l'oreille, les cils, la paupiere, le sourcil, la nez, la bouche, les levres, le cou, les cheveux, les dents, le menton, la gorge, la joue, le visage, le front, ________________.
le menton - the chin
the two body parts that don't have literal translations to French
la taille et la langue
the waist and the leg and the behind
la taille et la jambe et la derriere
le cœur....a body part somewhere in the top half of your body (we never learned about this term)
In the middle of class, a rather embarrassed student accidentally broke wind, unfortunately when it got quiet.
the arm and the elbow and the fingernail
le bras et le coude et l'ongle
les yeux
le sourcil (les sourcils)
le cil (les cils)
la paupière
stomach (both terms)
l'estomac et le ventre
list all the parts of the lower body (11) from the waist to your toes (en Francais) (belly button not included)
la taille, la cuisse, la derriere, le molllet, la jambe, le genou, la cheville, le pied, le talon, l'orteil, la hanche
the finger and the the calf, and the foot
la doigt et le mollet et le pied
The students in Mr. Alstad's class love to publicly sing Taylor Swift lyrics at the top of their lungs. Don't deny it!
List all part of the arm (en francais) from the shoulder to fingernail (10)
l'epaule, le bras, le coude, l'avant bras, le poignet, la main, le doigt, le pouce, la paume, l'ongle