What blood vessels carry blood away from the heart?
What vessel has thick muscular walls and carry the blood at high pressure
What chamber does the vena cava enter the heart?
Right atrium
The human heart beats an average of _______ beats per minute
Two extrinsic factors that control the heartbeat
Nervous - medulla oblongata (sympathetic and parasympathetic)
Hormones - adrenal medulla (epinephrine and norepinephrine)
The cardiovascular system is a system which consists of:
Blood Vessels
Where does the pulmonary artery take the blood: from the heart to the __________
What is the dividing wall between the right and left sides of the heart
Each heartbeat is called a
cardiac cycle
The letters ECG stand for this
What is Electrocardiogram?
What type of blood do systemic veins carry
What type of blood is in the pulmonary artery
What is the name of the valve between the right atrium and right ventricle
This initiates the impulse for contraction of the heart
SA node (sinoatrial node)
When the blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg or above
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Where does the aorta send the blood?
The entire body
Why are their valves in veins?
To stop the backflow of blood
What chamber does the blood return to once it leaves the lungs.
Left Atrium
What creates the sounds of a beating heart?
**Heart vibrations caused by the closure of the valves
Lub - the beginning of systole, the vibrations of the AV valves closing
Dub - the end of systole, the vibrations of the semi-lunar valves closing
We use this as an estimation of heart rate
What blood vessels are the smallest and one cell thick. They allow gaseous exchange at the lungs and muscles.
These blood vessels carry blood to the heart and have a large lumen with thin walls
There are four valves inside the heart name them.
Atrioventricular: Tricuspid, Mitral (bicuspid)
2 x semi lunar valve - pulmonary and aortic
The cause of a heart murmur
faulty valves - the heart valves do not fully close and allow for backflow
Blood is moved through the veins by means of
skeletal muscle contractions
respiratory movements