The Greatest Commandment
Following the Commandments
The Old and New Covenants
The Meaning of the Commandments
Rewards of Obedience

What is the greatest commandment, according to Jesus?

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.


What should we do with the Lord's Day?  

Keep it holy.


What was the core of the old covenant?

Obeying God's voice and keeping his covenant.


Besides their literal meaning, what other kind of meaning do the Commandments have? 

An inner meaning.


What do we receive if we keep God's Commandments?

We abide in his love.


What is the second greatest commandment, similar in importance to the first?

Love your neighbor as yourself.


What does it mean to honor your father and mother?

Obey them, respect them, and care for them, particularly in their old age.


Where in the Bible can you find the Ten Commandments written in full? 

Exodus 20:1-17.5


What does coveting your neighbor's goods mean? 

Desiring what belongs to someone else and wishing you had it instead of them.


What is the ultimate reward for obeying God's Commandments? 

Eternal life / Heaven.


What two things does Jesus say are essential for entering eternal life?

 Keeping the commandments and loving God.


What does the lesson encourage you to do with the Ten Commandments?

Learn them by heart.


What is the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament regarding God's Commandments?

The Old Testament establishes the Commandments, while the New Testament emphasizes their fulfillment through love and the example of Jesus.6


What are two things that the Commandments help us to do in relation to God?

Know, love, and serve God.


What does the prayer at the end of the lesson ask of God? 

To help us attain eternal life by obeying his commandments.


On what two commandments do all the Law and the prophets hang, according to Jesus?

Love God and love your neighbor.


What did Jesus say about his purpose regarding the law?  

He came not to nullify the law, but to fulfill it.


What does Hebrews 8:10 say about God's laws?

"I will put my laws into their minds and write them in their hearts.


Give an example from the lesson plan of how we can follow the commandment "Love your neighbor" in our everyday life. 

Ex. Being kind to classmates and including everyone in games. 


What does the lesson describe as the benefits of obeying God's Commandments in our daily lives?

It convinces us of our duties to God, others, and ourselves, helping us attain heaven.


What is the basis of God's Commandments, and how is this reflected in the two greatest commandments?

The basis is love, reflected in loving God and loving others.


How does keeping the commandments connect to abiding in God's love, as described in John 15:10?

Keeping the commandments allows us to abide in God's love just as Jesus kept his Father's commandments and abided in his love.


How does the lesson describe the Commandments finding fulfillment in the New Testament?

Jesus fulfilled the law by emphasizing love and justice, encouraging us to keep the spirit of the law.


Explain how the Ten Commandments, despite being given as specific rules, ultimately point towards a way of life centered around love. 

The Ten Commandments can be summed up as loving God and loving your neighbor. While they provide specific guidelines for behavior, they ultimately aim to cultivate a heart filled with love, which then guides all actions and interactions.


How does the concept of a "treasured possession" mentioned in Exodus 19:5 relate to the rewards of following God's commandments? 

By obeying God's voice and keeping his covenant, we become his treasured possession. This implies a unique and special relationship with God, full of love and blessings.
