These three environmental factors contribute to where people decide to settle...
Water, Topography, Vegetation
This physical feature was vital to Ancient Egypt's survival...
Nile River
This river was the main source of fresh water for the Canaanites...
Jordan River
This is another name for Kush, which is an Egyptian word for gold.
Another name for a family that rules for generations....
This is the most important of the environmental factors...
Deserts provided this to Ancient Egypt...
Protection from invaders
The Sea of Galilee was important because it was actually a....
Freshwater Lake
The Kushites were greatly influenced by this civilization.
Another name for a female leader of Ancient Kush
Water was an important environmental factor because it can give settlers...
Fresh water, food, transportation, etc.
The Egyptian civilization was located near the Nile in a....
River Valley
Why does the Dead Sea's name make sense?
It is so salty nothing can live in it.
The Assyrians inspired the Kushites to use this type of material for weapons.
A ruling leader or king of Kush, usually a man....
Vegetation is an important environmental factor because it can give settlers...
Resources, food, etc.
Silt was left behind by the Nile River when it flooded Ancient Egypt. What is silt?
Nutrient rich soil that is great for farming.
Because of the topography of Canaan, many people did this instead of farming....
Herding animals
An important trading port city in ancient Kush.
This Kush capital city was destroyed by Egyptians....
Topography was an important environmental factor because settlers wanted....
Flat open areas to plant crops, protection from mountains and deserts
This type of reed was used for paper in ancient Egypt.
This sea enabled traders from many lands to visit Canaan.
Mediterranean Sea
Queen Amanirenas helped Kush in fighting this Empire...
A Kushite language....