For every act, for every indifference, for every misuse of life, new spiritualists are held accountable through what?
Reincarnation is the belief that people
are born over and over again
What do new spiritualists believe about attacks on September 11, 2001
They were not evil
What is more real to a new spiritualist..the visible dimension or the invisible dimension of the universe?
the invisible dimension
What two places should Christians look for moral guidance?
the Bible, our conscience
What is the definition of Karma?
The total of person's good and bad actions that results in good or bad consequences in this life or in a reincarnated life
New spiritualists believe that reincarnation is the result of
being ignorant of who we are and how we should live
David Spangler famously said that "Christ is the same force as _______."
New spiritualists don't believe that people sin because they do not believe that people have
a sinful nature
According to Christians, where do moral laws and values come from
They come from God
What MacLaine say in this book about acts of indifference?
She says that acts of indifference do exists and they are wrong.
New spiritualists believe the cycle of reincarnation will end when only when
people realize that they are god
New spiritualists don't believe that evil and good exists because everything is apart of
the god force
New spiritualists believe that history is
What do Christians believe moral laws are based on?
Our conscience and the Bible
What has God given everyone that might make is hard for a new spiritualists to believe that good and evil don't exist?
their moral awareness
New spiritualists believe reincarnation allows people to learn form their mistakes in one life and hopefully become better people in
their next life
What is this symbol called and what does it mean?
ying-yang: there is a little light in darkness and little darkness in light
Name three ways new spiritualists believe they can explore the spiritual dimension
meditation, chanting, yoga, spiritual guides, magic, drugs
Because God is holy and perfect his laws are
holy and perfect
Do new spiritualists believe karma (good or bad) comes for a person in this life or the next?
Either- can be in this life or the next
What is the name of the actress who believes she was reincarnated multiple times and remembers her past lives?
Shirley MacLaine
Why do some new spiritualists believe that if someone robs you it shouldn't matter?
Because you and the robber are one and the same with the god force.
New spiritualists believe that everything in the universe is part of one gigantic
living system
God's moral laws are __________, _________, and __________.
Objective, absolute, and universal