What is the job of the executive branch?
Carry out and enforce law.
What are the powers of the president?
Commander in chief; make treaties; appoint ambassadors; appoint judges; grant pardons.
What is the role of the judicial branch?
To interpret the law and the Constitution
What is the federal system?
Power is divided between the central government and the state governments.
"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States... shall be the supreme law of the land."
Supremacy Clause.
Who is the head of the executive branch?
The President.
What are some additional duties of the president?
act as head of the executive branch; suggest laws and policies; set policy for dealing with other countries.
Who is the highest power in the judicial branch?
The Supreme Court
What does it mean to delegate?
To give responsibility to someone else; to entrust someone else.
Powers kept by the people.
Practicing or not practicing religious beliefs; freedom of speech and press; freedom of assembly.
What establishes the executive branch?
Article II
How does the Constitution limit the power of the president?
Senate confirms his appointments; senate must approve any treaties; only Congress can declare war; Congress can override a presidential veto with 2/3rd vote; Senate can impeach the president.
Where is the judicial branch established?
Article III
Tax the people; declare and conduct war; control trade between states and other nations; create post offices; coin money.
Limits on the national gov't.
Make laws that favor one state; spend money unless approved by Congress; tax goods leaving the country, exports.
How is the President selected in the United States?
Electoral college; every four years.
What four cabinet departments did Washington create?
Department of State, Treasury, War, Attorney General
How long do judges typically serve?
For life; they may retire or be removed from office.
Name the powers of the state governments.
Tax the people; create public schools; control trade WITHIN the state; make motor vehicle and traffic laws; make laws regulating marriage and divorce.
Limits on state gov't.
Coin or print money; engage in war; make treaties.
How many votes does a candidate need to win the electoral college?
How many cabinets exist today (according to the book)?
What is judicial review?
Decides whether the Constitution allows a certain law; can declare a law made by Congress unconstitutional; declare an action by the President unconstitutional; declare a state law unconstitutional.
Name shared powers.
Tax the people; borrow money; provide for the health and welfare of the people; make laws; create courts.
Limits on both gov't.
Deny the right to freedom of religion and expression; deny equal protection of law; deny a trial by jury.