Wrote "The Institutes of the Christian Religion":
John Calvin
Johann Tetzel
Traveled throughout Germany raising money for the church by selling Indulgences
The famous hymn, "A Mighty Fortress", was written by _________.
Martin Luther
Albert of Brandenburg
According to Martin Luther, The Pope is not ________
Frederick the Wise
This diet declared Luther a heretic:
October 31, 1517
Beginning of the Protestant Reformation
For what is Pope Leo X known?
Contruction of St. Peter's Cathedral
The "People's Priest" in Switzerland:
Ulrich Zwingli
This man debated and disagreed with Luther regarding the Roman Church and the papacy:
Johann Eck
At what University did Luther begin a serious study of the Bible?
St. Peter's Cathedral was built using funds from what mideval practice?
Luther encouraged clergyman, monks and nuns to ________.
Marry and avoid seclusion
Thomas More
This Roman Emperor declared Luther a heretic and outlaw:
Emperor Charles V
Edict declaring Luther an outlaw and heretic:
Edict of Worms
Compete this slogan:
"As soon as the Coin in the coffer rings, _______________________________"
..."the soul from purgatory springs!"
Published the fist printed edition of the New Testament in the original Greek:
Desiderius Erasmus
Produced the 1st printed edition of the New Testament in English:
William Tyndale
Distorted Christianity, took advantage of the poor, silenced dissenters:
The Roman Church
Mennonites, Amish, Quakers, and Baptists, all hail from the beliefs of this group:
What did Luther cry out, as he fell from his horse?
"St. Anne, help me; I will become a monk!"
List of statements nailed to the church door in Wittenberg:
Luther's Ninety-five Theses