What is the word for one who is sent to spread teaching to others: apostle, disciple, or Pharisee?
How many apostles did Jesus choose?
True or false: “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” means we can get even with those who hurt us
Whom did Jesus command us to love?
Our enemies
What did Jesus say to do quickly if we’ve sinned against someone?
Make things right; ask forgiveness
What is Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5–7 called: the sermon by the seashore, the sermon on the mount, or the beautiful beatitudes?
Sermon on the Mount
The beatitudes are statements of blessing, correction, or rules?
. Is peacemaking a desire or an action?
What is the promise for those who mourn? They shall be comforted, confused, or sad?
They shall be comforted
Each blessing in the beatitudes has an attitude or action connected to a promise, a reward, or a warning?
A promise
. What did Jesus promise to those who suffer persecution for his sake: treasures on earth, praise from others, or great reward in heaven?
Great reward in Heaven
True or false: God is only merciful to those who show mercy.
Who did Jesus say will see God? The pure in what?
What should we mourn (be sorrowful) for?
Our sins
What attitude means “power under God’s control”: weakness, meekness, or pride?
The Pharisees taught that following rules led to righteousness. What did Jesus say God also cares about—besides our actions? T
The heart attitudes behind our actions.
How are murder and angry insults the same? They both come from what kind of heart attitude?
They both come from a sinful heart attitude of anger and hatred
The kingdom of heaven is used to describe what?
Eternal Life/Salvation
What does it mean to be poor in spirit: to have no money, to be mighty in spirit, or to be humble before God?
Humble Before God
Why did Jesus command us to be perfect when he knew we can’t?
To show us our sin and need for a perfect Savior.