Hard candy will _________ if you don't chew it.
What is dissolve?
Acorns are __________.
What are seeds?
Tree roots take in ___________.
What is water?
Name a word that begins with the same sound as kite.
What is cookie, capitol, cool, kind, etc.?
The boys __________ late for school.
(Be verb)
What is were?
Tammy stepped in mud and spread it all over the house. This vocabulary word replaces all over.
What is throughout?
The tiny particles found in soil.
What are minerals?
Maple syrup is made from _________.
What is sap?
Name a word that ends with the same sound as ask.
What is check, black, pink, etc.
This game ___________ fun.
(Be verb)
What is is?
Describe a tropical place.
What is hot weather?
Bark can help you know __________.
What kind of tree it is?
Trees stop growing during this season. (What season do they first stop.)
What is autumn?
Name a word that has the same sound as the c in escape.
What is capitol, kite, shark?
Mrs. Claussen __________ been to China.
(is, has, has had, have)
What is has?
Something that should be respected is _____________.
foolish, honorable, appearance, misplaced
What is honorable?
Catkins dangle from oak trees and are ________________.
What are clumps of flowers that hang from trees?
This tree's sap smells spicy.
What is sassafras tree?
Name a word that begins with the same sound as the word quick.
What is queen, quiet, quit, etc.?
Which football team ______ the best?
(Be verb)
What is is?
In the summer, raspberry bushes produce a plentiful amount. The word plentiful means..
What is available in a large amount?
Water from the roots moves through this layer of the tree.
What is xylem?
The oldest know living tree.
What is bristlecone pine?
Name a word that ends with the same sound as black.
What is check, steak, etc.?
Ashton _______ having a great day yesterday.
(Be verb)
What is was?