A family that only consists of parents and children?
Nuclear family
Like father, like son
What does it mean?
The son is very similar to his father in behaviou/interests/looks
What is the term used to talk about grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and etc.?
Extended family
Synonym of "raise"?
As in - parents raise children.
bring up
It runs in the family?
Give an example in a sentence
It is inherited within the family
Your closest family - synonyms?
Direct family, Immediate family
Important, essential - synonym?
"very important in life"
идти по чьим-то стопам?
follow in someone's footsteps
the naughty/bad one in the family
the black sheep of the family
Excessive __________ of sugary beverages has been linked to health issues such as obesity and diabetes.
A) Production B) Consumption C) Eruption D) Formation
What's the idiom? - = Family is more important than friends, acquaintances
Blood is thicker than water
Having someone very special to you, to be weak towards them - the idiom?
To have a soft spot for someone
Continue the sentence:
Cats have a tendency to _______
Someone who earns the money in the family -
легко найти общий язык и быстро подружиться с кем-либо. - idiom?
To get on like a house is on fire?