What was the optimistic message of the Second Great Awakening?
What was emphasizing salvation through free will, equality, and social reform?
This former enslaved woman led hundreds of people to freedom using the Underground Railroad.
Who was Harriet Tubman?
This secret network helped enslaved people escape to free states and Canada.
What was the Underground Railroad?
This former enslaved woman helped over 300 people escape through the Underground Railroad.
Who was Harriet Tubman?
What does the word Reform mean?
To make change in order to bring about improvement, end abuses, or correct injustices
This document, modeled after the Declaration of Independence, demanded equal rights for women.
What was the Declaration of Sentiments?
This activist delivered the famous speech "Ain’t I a Woman?" advocating for both abolition and women’s rights.
Who was Sojourner Truth?
This reform movement fought for women’s suffrage and equal rights.
What was the women’s rights movement?
This movement aimed to end slavery in the United States.
What was the abolitionist movement?
what does the word intuition mean?
to know or understand based on feeling, not facts
This former enslaved man became a famous speaker and writer advocating for the end of slavery
Who was Frederick Douglass?
Before public education reforms, most schools were run by these institutions.
What were churches?
The temperance movement aimed to limit or ban this substance.
What is alcohol?
Prison reform led to the creation of separate facilities for this group of people.
Who were the mentally ill?
what does the word devoted mean?
to give time, money, or effort to help a person or cause
He is known as the "Father of Public Education" for advocating free schooling for all children.
Who was Horace Mann?
Supporters of temperance believed alcohol led to these two major social problems.
What are crime and family violence?
One major success of education reform was the creation of these types of schools, free for all children.
What were public schools?
This movement, led by thinkers like Ralph Waldo Emerson, promoted self-reliance and social progress.
What was transcendentalism?
what does the word abolitionists mean?
A person who supported the ending of slavery
This newspaper, founded by William Lloyd Garrison, called for the immediate abolition of slavery.
What was The Liberator?
Many reformers were inspired by this belief that people could improve themselves and society.
What is perfectionism?
Before reforms, people with mental illnesses were often placed in these facilities instead of receiving proper care.
What were prisons?
This religious revival inspired people to improve society through reform movements.
What was the Second Great Awakening?
what does the word transcendentalism mean?
A philosophy emphasizing that people should transcend, or go beyond, logical thinking to reach true understanding, with the help of emotions and intuition