The Magellan-Elcano expedition set sail from this Spanish city on August 20, 1519.
What is Sanlúcar de Barrameda?
This disease, caused by a lack of vitamin C, severely weakened Magellan’s crew.
What is scurvy?
Magellan and his crew first landed in the Philippines on this island.
What is Homonhon?
This Italian explorer and chronicler documented Magellan’s journey.
Who is Antonio Pigafetta?
Magellan’s expedition was the first to prove that the Earth had this shape.
What is round/spherical?
An Italian explorer and chronicler who joined the Magellan-Elcano expedition as a supernumerary
Who is Antonio Pigafetta?
Some of Magellan’s men, frustrated with the journey, staged this rebellion.
What is a mutiny?
This local ruler of Cebu converted to Christianity after meeting Magellan.
Who is Rajah Humabon?
Pigafetta’s journal is considered a valuable primary source because it was written during this event.
What is the Magellan-Elcano expedition?
The only ship to successfully complete the circumnavigation and return to Spain.
What is the Victoria?
The expedition sailed under the flag of this European country, despite Magellan being Portuguese.
What is Spain?
The expedition had to navigate through this treacherous waterway at the southern tip of South America.
What is the Strait of Magellan?
Magellan was killed in battle against warriors from this island.
What is Mactan?
Pigafetta described early Filipinos as being friendly and engaging in this type of exchange with the crew.
What is trade?
The expedition had originally set out with around 270 men, but only this many survived.
What is 18?
Magellan originally commanded this many ships at the start of the voyage.
What is five?
Only three of Magellan’s five ships made it to this Southeast Asian archipelago.
What are the Philippines?
This chieftain of Mactan refused to submit to Spanish rule and fought Magellan.
Who is Lapu-Lapu?
His journal provided detailed accounts of Filipino customs, including their food, clothing, and this type of belief system.
What is their religion/spiritual beliefs?
The expedition confirmed the vast size of this body of water.
What is the Pacific Ocean?
This treaty between Spain and Portugal dictated their territorial claims and influenced Spain’s decision to seek a western route.
What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?
After Magellan’s death, this Spanish navigator took command and completed the expedition.
Who is Juan Sebastián Elcano?
The conversion of Rajah Humabon and his people marked the start of this major religious tradition in the Philippines.
What is Christianity?
Pigafetta’s writings helped expand European knowledge of this ocean, which Magellan named.
What is the Pacific Ocean?
Lapu-Lapu is considered a symbol of this trait in Filipino history.
What is resistance (or bravery)?