Exhaled smoke and sidestream is
A chronic condition in which the airways become narrow or blocked and breathing becomes difficult is
A thick, sticky fluid produced when tobacco is burned is
An odorless, colorless, poisonous gas in tobacco smoke is
Carbon Monoxide
Tobacco made and sold in two forms is
Smokeless Tobacco
A condition in which the air sacs in the lungs become damaged is
Powdered tobacco that is placed between the cheek and gum is
Chopped tobacco is
Chewing Tobacco
A highly addictive stimulant drug found in tobacco is
The use of an electronic device to deliver nicotine into the bloodstream along with harmful metals is
Name and describe the stages of tobacco addiction
Stage 1: First use (a person tries a cigarette or a little snuff- to fit in, to rebel, or to experiment)
Stage 2: Occasional use (the person continues to use tobacco at certain times or with certain people)
Stage 3: Regular use (the person feels a strong need for tobacco and uses it regularly)
Stage 4: Addiction (the person feels a strong need for tobacco and uses it regularly, they may be unable to quit without help)
Describe the effects of tobacco use on parts on the body
(Skin, teeth, lungs, heart, fingers, blood vessels)
*Must get AT LEAST TWO for full points*
Skin: smoking ages and wrinkles the body
Teeth: it stains and can cause tooth loss and gum disease
Lungs: it blocks the airways and increases the risk of lung cancer, emphysema, and other respiratory infections
Heart: it causes stress, which can lead to heart attacks, high blood pressure, and strokes.
Fingers: long-term use can stain fingers yellow
Blood vessels: carbon monoxide in smoke reduces the amount of oxygen carried in the blood, making physical activity difficult
Smokeless tobacco can cause _____ breath and _____ decay as well as sores in the _____ that can become cancerous.
Second hand smoke has been linked to lung _____ and heart disease; in children, it can cause _____, pneumonia, bronchitis, and respiratory infections.
Name three ways that you can resist the pressure to use tobacco.
Give reasons for saying “no”
Use nonverbal behavior to match verbal behavior
Avoid people who make wrong decisions
How many deaths per year are due to emphysema caused by smoking?
More than 150,000 people
Why might people who smoke be well advised to take vitamins?
Smoking removes vitamin C from the body. Vitamin C helps keep the immune system strong.
Why might teens who use tobacco be more likely to become involved with other drugs?
They may be drawn to risk behaviors
They may give in to peer pressure
In what way is a person's appearance affected by using tobacco?
Tobacco ages and wrinkles the skin, stains teeth, and stains fingers yellow.
Why should people avoid smoking?
Smoking impairs the oxygen to various organs, making physical activity difficult.
True or False:
For information about resisting tobacco, you should ask your friends.
Ask an adult.
True or False:
Tobacco companies add sand and fiberglass to smokeless tobacco to increase the absorption of nicotine.