Part 3 Vocabulary
Part 3 Reading
Part 4 Vocabulary
Part 4 Reading

What is this word?



Fill in the blank:

"Many children wanted to go to the (          ) (          ) with Bailey."

A: hospital

B: surgery room

C: facility

D: operation table

B: surgery room

Many children wanted to go to the (surgery) (room) with Bailey.


What word is this?

10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 

one million!


Fill in the blank

Having facility dogs in the hospital sometimes has (       )

a. problems

b. surprises

c. help

d. rewards

a. problems

Having facility dogs in the hopsital sometimes has (problems).


When did Bailey finish working as a facility dog?

He finished in 2018.


Fill in the blank:

Many children wanted to go to the surgery room with Bailey. They were (                ) surgery.

A: scared

B: scary

C: scared of

D: scaring

C: scared of

Many children wanted to go to the surgery room with Bailey. They were (scared of) surgery.


Find the mistake:

"However, because of Bailey, they were able to face their operations with courage."

However, thanks to Bailey, they were able to face their operations with courage.


Fill in the blank:

Male lions have a big, fluffy mane, but (          ) lions do not.

Male lions have a big, fluffy mane, but (female) lions do not.


True or false?

Both the facility dog and its handler are paid for their work.


"For example, it costs about ten million yen every year to pay for one facility dog and its full-time handler."


What did Bailey do after retirement?

He visited children in places like hospital libraries as a volunteer.


What is this word?

When you are afraid or nervous about something difficult, but you do it anyway.

Example: You are nervous about public speaking, but you give a speech at the school assembly.

This word is "courage"!


Correct order:

"After the surgery, they and their families 

( relaxed / feel / could ) by touching Bailey."

"After the surgery, they and their families could feel relaxed by touching Bailey."


Fill in the blank:

I work (             ), so I take college classes in the evening or at night.

I work (full-time) so I take college classes in the evening or at night.


Correct order

He helped about (eight / children / for / years / 3,000). 

He helped about 3,000 children for eight years.


How did Annie prepare to be a facility dog?

She watched Bailey work and learned many things.


Where is the mistake in this sentence?

"The scientific affects of facility dogs are not yet clear, but dogs are thought to help relax patients.

The mistake:

X "The scientific affects of facility dogs are not yet clear..." (affects = verb)

O "The scientific effects of facility dogs are not yet clear..." (effects = noun)


Correct order

"Morita wanted ( have / to / big / a / smile / them ),  even after an operation."

Morita wanted them to have a big smile, even after a big operation.


True or false?

A successor is a very good worker or employee.


A successor takes the job of a person (or dog) who leaves the company or position.

Bailey finished his job. Annie started working as a facility dog and became Bailey's successor.


Correct order

"Now she is (facility / as / actively / dog / working / a ).

Now she is actively working as a facility dog.


What happens when a dog and its owner look at each other?

Example answers:

(According to a study in Japan,) when a dog and its owner looked at each other, oxytocin was released in the human's body. This hormone helps reduce pain and anxiety.

Oxytocin is released, which helps reduce pain and anxiety.

What is oxytocin?

It is a hormone that helps reduce pain and anxiety.

It was released in the human's body when a dog and its owner looked at each other.


Fill in the blank

"According to a study in Japan, when a dog and its owner (         ) (   ) (    ) (    ), oxytocin was released in the human's body."

"According to a study in Japan, when a dog and its owner (looked) (at) (each) (other), oxytocin was released in the human's body."


What is "retirement"?

Retirement: The time of life when you leave your job and stop working, usually around age 65.


Fill in the blank:

"She also (    ) (  ) (     ) (      ) people feel happy.

"She also seems to enjoy making people feel happy."


How did Bailey help children and their families?

(Example answers!)

He helped children face their operations with courage.

He helped the children and their families relax after a surgery.
