Reading Comprehension
Movie Titles

Why was Matisse confined to his bed and to a wheelchair?

He was diagnosed with cancer and surgery left him unable to walk.


Can I smile without you Just thinking about it makes me cry The person who protected me during difficult times Now I will protect you Your arms were always warm The only resting place in my tiring day I have enough of you Even if you don't say much, I know everything with your eyes A flower blooms and falls Be together every day, every moment

모든 날, 모든 순간-폴킴



다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰면?

The dancer dances colorfully across the page, but she looks differently with different backgrounds.

The dancer dances colorfully across the page, but she looks different with different backgrounds.


When a green ogre discovers his swamp has been 'swamped' with all sorts of fairytale creatures by the scheming villain, he sets out with a very loud animal by his side to 'persuade' the villain to give him his swamp back. Instead, a deal is made. The villain, who wants to become the King, sends him to rescue a princess, who is awaiting her true love in a tower guarded by a fire-breathing dragon. But once they head back with her, it starts to become apparent that not only does the ugly ogre begin to fall in love with the lovely princess, but she is also hiding a huge secret.



What are the 2 traits the Chapel of the Rosary can be recognized by?

From the outside, the chapel can be recognized by its blue and white tiles and 13-meter-high iron cross.


I didn't know before I held you The world I stayed in like this something brilliant The person I touched with a small breath The love that called me without fear It was very good I'm excited to watch you I was ridiculously jealous All the ordinary moments dark eternity Into that long wait You fell like sunlight

첫눈처럼 너에게 가겠다-에일리





다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰면?

Coping with the difficulties of old age and illness, Matisse turned to "drawing with scissors," made cut-out artwork.

Coping with the difficulties of old age and illness, Matisse turned to "drawing with scissors," making cut-out artwork.


When a girl's mother remarries and she chooses to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn't expect much of anything to change. But things do change when she meets a mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful boy. For he is nothing like any boy she's ever met. He's intelligent and witty, and he seems to see straight into her soul. In no time at all, they are swept up in a passionate and decidedly unorthodox romance. He can run faster than a mountain lion. He can stop a moving car with his bare hands and he hasn't aged since 1918. To him, she is that thing he has waited 90 years for - a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more he must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy. Somehow or other, they will have to manage their unmanageable love. But when unexpected visitors come to town and realize that there is a human among them he must fight to save she? A modern, visual, and visceral Romeo and Juliet story of the ultimate forbidden love affair - between vampire and mortal.


How did Matisse make an important contribution to collage?

He created a series of works using colorful cut-out shapes.


Even now without you, the dazzling sky People who smile dazzlingly The world doesn't know about my breakup It's so sad it's the same Don't let time take you away I guess I couldn't let you go Memories embedded deep like thorns Even though it hurts, I don’t know it hurts The love that you remember Become a thorn digging into me Please go, please go. No matter how hard I try, it bothers me





다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰면?

When he felt certain he has discovered the best composition, he glued the image in place.

When he felt certain he had discovered the best composition, he glued the image in place.


An ancient Ring thought lost for centuries has been found, and through a strange twist of fate has been given to a small short creature. When a wizard discovers the Ring is in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord, the short creature must make an epic quest to the Cracks of Doom in order to destroy it. However, he does not go alone. He is joined by many helpers. Through mountains, snow, darkness, forests, rivers and plains, facing evil and danger at every corner the Fellowship of the Ring must go. Their quest to destroy the One Ring is the only hope for the end of the Dark Lords reign.

The Lord of the Rings

What were the 4 things Matisse designed for the Chapel of the Rosary?

He designed the interior, murals, decorations, and stained-glass windows.


Are you okay now? It was so hard. The only ending for us is farewell. We had a really hard time I heard you're doing well sometimes He's already a really good person We met and are doing well. They didn’t bother to tell me Good job, you couldn't stand it. To endure that emptiness Because I love you When love starts You don't know how pretty you are I still can't forget that sight I can't get out of it The day I heard news about you That's good, that person Honestly, it's hard to bear I wish it was a little harder for you Really, just a little, just one-tenth of mine It hurts, please be happy



regard의 동의어 2개?

=consider=think of


주어진 단어를 활용하여 다음을 영작하면? 

그의 종이 오리기의 통달이 어린이들의 미술 활동이었던 것을 진정한 예술의 형태로 승격시켰다. 

____________________________ into a real art form. (paper-cutting, be, children's, what, mastery, have, art, his, a, of, elevate, activity)

His mastery of paper-cutting elevated what had been a children's art activity into a real art form.


When a factory pwner decides to let five children into his chocolate factory, he decides to release five golden tickets in five separate chocolate bars, causing complete chaos. The tickets start to be found, with the fifth going to a very special boy. With his Grandpa, he joins the rest of the children to experience the most amazing factory ever. But not everything goes to plan within the factory.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


In what aspect did Matisse compare art to a good armchair?

He thought art should be a soothing and calming influence on the mind.


I'm regretting it The day we argued Because of my pride I said let's end it. I thought I'd see you soon I hoped you would find me But even after a few days There isn't even any news For always being so nice to me I guess I thought it was easy Now I know, because of my stubbornness You had a hard time You idiot, it's not real. You still don't know me that much There is no one but me who has you please don't leave me



consist of의 동의어 3개?

=be made up of=be composed of=comprise


주어진 단어를 활용하여 다음을 영작하면? 

빛이 스테인드글라스 창문들을 통해 들어와서 모든 곳을 색으로 알록달록하게 만들 때, 사람들은 자신이 마티스가 만든 형형색색의 그림 안에 있는 것처럼 느끼게 된다.

When light comes through the stained-glass windows and splashes colors everywhere, _________________________________________. (Matisse, inside, feel, create, as if, a, one, painting, one, colorful, by, be)

When light comes through the stained-glass windows and splashes colors everywhere, one feels as if one were inside a colorful painting created by Matisse.


A resourceful young blacksmith, teams up with the eccentric pirate to save his love, the Governor's daughter, who has been mistakenly captured by the clever and treacherous villain to make a blood sacrifice so as to end the curse that has been casted upon him and his crew. The teamed up pair steal a ship from the Royal Navy and arrive at Tortuga, a pirate port. There they meet their helpers, set sail to save the girl and take back the ship. Meanwhile, the villain discovers that not the girl's but someone else's blood was required for the sacrifice.

Pirates of the Caribbean
