tenis, jízda na kole, plavání
tennis, cycling (riding a bike), swimming
______ summer
Where are you from?
I´m from the Czech Republic.
Jak se jmenuješ?
What´s your name?
Do you like dancing? ___________
Yes, I do. / No, I don´t.
jaro, léto, podzim, zima
spring, summer, autumn, winter
_____ 5 o´clock
What sports do you like?
I like ......
Co je její oblíbený sport?
Já miluji plavání.
I love swimming.
ráno, odpoledne, večer, noc
morning, afternoon, evening, night
____ Wednesday, ______ winter
When do you go home after school?
I go home at ____________
Who are they?
Does he like riding a bike? ____________
Yes, he does. / No, he doesn´t.
odpoledne, zima, jízda na koni, ráno
afternoon, winter, horse riding, morning
_____ half past four, ________ Saturday
What do you do at the weekend?
I _____________ .
Jaký sport má (on) rád?
What sport does he like?
On nesnáší jízdu na koni.
He hates horse riding.
plachtění, jízda na kole, večer, podzim, jaro
sailing, cycling (riding a bike), evening, autumn, spring
_____ the weekend, _____ the morning, ______ night
What´s the name of your mother?
The name of my mother is _____ .
Trénuje (ona) každý den?
Does she train every day?
What do you like doing at the weekend?
I like _______________ .