What is the title of Lesson 7?
Science Everywhere
What is the name of Korea's most popular kite?
What is the title of Lesson 8?
Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts
1 Term
Artificial bone
1 Word
What are the two key expressions in Lesson 7?
- I'm curious about...
- It seems to me that...
A tail
What are the two key expressions in Lesson 8?
- I was surprised that...
- Why don't we...
That's a great idea.
2 Words
Propeller, Runway
2 Words
Ballpark, Leaflet
In sci-fi movies, space shuttles make loud sounds when they are flying in space. However, we can't hear anything in space.
Why can't we hear any sound in space?
There is no air in outer space. Sound needs something to travel through.
For an airplane to move forward, ________ has to be greater than drag.
What are two aspects of Korean culture that would be interesting to visitors?
- many side dishes at restaurants (반찬)
- easy access to WIFI
- food delivery services
- Hangeulnal (한글날)
- passionate cheering at baseball games
3 Words
Flight, Gravity, Voltage
3 Words
Cooperate, Pottery, Highlight
What was the first successful manned flight technology?
Hot air balloons
Lift is opposed by _________
(what force?)
Make a sentence using the key expression "Why don't we..."
Why don't we
- bake a cake together?
- go to the park?
- see what food is for lunch?
- watch a movie?
- study extra hard for the test?
4 Words
Pressure, Circular, Experiment, Upward
4 Words
Harvest, Donate, Variation, Souvenir
What is one advantage of drone technology?
Use the key expression "It seems to me that" in your answer.
It seems to me that drones are very helpful. They can:
- make food deliveries
- deliver medicine
- take unique pictures and video
- find lost people
What are the four main forces that interact when airplanes and kites fly?
Lift, weight, thrust, drag
Make a sentence using the key expression "I was surprised that..."
I was surprised that
- you like horror movies.
- you have never read Harry Potter.
- she doesn't like to eat vegetables.
- he hates birds.
5 Words
Withstand, Manned, Disadvantage, Postcard, Myth
5 Words
Site, Crab, Cherish, Unity, Agricultural