u lose
smart people never afraid to go big
Definition of Nutrition?
Good stuff in food that helps your body stay healthy
Define Exhaustion
Why should we help others whose backgrounds are less lucky than you?
Makes the world more friendly and kind
Make them feel they're cared for
Make us happy
Suggest a few way to save the environment
turn off light when not using
recycle plastics
Define Hygene
The action of keep oneself clean
Charity is when you donate or help others in need.
What are the benefits of living in a healthy environment
Improve our physical and mental health
Name a few mental health problems you have faced
How can we help others?
Donate toys, books, raise money
free 400 points
because you are UNIQUE
Tell the difference between Physical health and Mental health
One related to the body
one is related to the feeling
In the Hierarchy of needs, what is the need for self-fulfillment and personal growth for?
Self actualization
How do humans cause deforestation?
U lose
sometimes life is a gamble, dont always go big