What should be at the top of lesson planning?
It is 4 to 15 minutes stage. True or False. Correct if it is false.
3 to 10 ''
How long will it be?
10 to 15 ''
This is the 2nd stage of the lesson planning.
False. It is the 3rd stage.
What part is the final stage?
What stage prompts that a teacher is organized?
Does not connect the topic to what learners already know. What does it activate?
Activates background knowledge and connects the topic to what learners already know.
What stage is Information?
How long will it be this stage?
How long will this stage be?
10 to 15 ''
What is the most important aim of the teacher? And why?
The main aim is the most important, what the teacher tries to achieve in the lesson or course
It can be connected only to the new topic.
It can be connected to the new topic, or review of the previous material, or just an icebreaker.
What is the aim of the presentation stage?
to present or elicit the target language – the language that we want the students to be able to use correctly in order to achieve the aim of our lesson.
How many parts does this stage have? What can you say about the 1st practice?
Controlled Practice: Fully controlled by the teacher; doesn’t allow students to freely use language. This practice is usually in the form of filling out worksheets.
Under whose control will students work in this stage?
What is the less important than the main aim? Why?
A subsidiary aim is the secondary focus of the lesson. It could be the language or skills students must be able to use well in order to achieve the main aim of the lesson
Teacher presents new topic
With the help of what questions does the teacher elicit the meaning of the target language?
with a series of concept questions
What is the name of the 2nd practice? What kind of activities do we use?
Semi-controlled Practice: Partially controlled by the teacher, allows the student to use more language but not freely. Usually involves creating sentences based on a specific structure.
Why do the students work more independently in this stage?
Students need work more independently with the information they learned during the information.
What part is about student objectives? How do we call it? Why?
Lesson Learning Objectives
The teacher needs to see her students' learning outcomes. They must indicate action on the part of the student.
What does the teacher teach before the text?
The teacher usually teaches previous materials in this stage.
During the information, the teacher teaches new information (or reviews new information if it is a review day).
What practice allows students to control activity themselves? And why?
Free Practice: Controlled by the student. Students are able to use all known grammar and vocabulary. It usually involves describing a situation or creating a story.
Can we assign it for homework? Why?
Yes. It is independent and creative work.