When Jesus asked the disciples who they said he was, what did Peter say about Jesus?
He is the Christ, the Son of the living God.
When God spoke from the cloud, what did he call Jesus?
His beloved Son.
In the prodigal son, what did the father do when the son came back home?
he ran to him, forgave him, and threw a party.
What friend of Jesus died?
How did Jesus raise Lazarus?
He called him to come out.
Name the three disciples Jesus took with him on top of the mountain.
Peter, James, and John.
Jesus said he is the____ of the world.
What does God do when the lost are found?
Celebrates, rejoices!
What wealthy tax collector climbed a tree to see Jesus?
What did the ruler love more than God?
His wealth/ riches/ possessions.
How was Jesus' appearance changed during the transfiguration on the mountain?
His face shone like the sun, and his clothes turned bright white.
What food did Jesus describe himself as?
The Bread of life.
Name a parable Jesus told to show how God loves and seeks the lost.
The Prodigal Son, lost coin, lost sheep.
What are the names of Lazarus' sisters?
Mary and Martha
What did the prodigal son do with all his fathers money?
Wasted it.
What two men from the Old Testament appeared and talked to Jesus?
Moses and Elijah.
As the Good Shepherd, how did Jesus lay down his life?
He died on the cross for the punishment for our sins.
What does it mean to love your neighbor?
Having genuine compassion from the heart and caring for someones needs.
What does the parable of the persistent widow teach us about prayer?
We should always pray and not lose heart.
How is Jesus like a door?
He is the only way into heaven. We must go through him by believing.
What name did Jesus use for himself from the Old Testament?
What did Jesus put on the eyes of a man born blind?
Saliva and dirt mixed to make mud.
What simple truth did the Pharisees refuse to believe?
Jesus was from God.
What is the story of the good samaritan?
He felt compassion, stopped, and helped the injured man.
What are the stories called that Jesus used to share spiritual truth?