Judas was one of Jesus' 12 what?
Peter was one of Jesus' closest
Tax collector
he was bruised for our ______ the chastisement of our peace was upon him
He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him
Judas sold Jesus out for 30 pieces of this
Jesus predicted Peter would deny him how many times?
When describing Zacheus, you would probably say he was this
And when thou art _____, strengthen thy brethren
And when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren
Judas betrayed Jesus with this action
A kiss
Jesus said Peter would deny him before this happened
The rooster crowed
To get a good look at Jesus, Zacheus climbed this type of tree
Except I drink it, thy ____ be done
Except I drink it, thy will be done
Judas led a mob to this place, where Jesus prayed
The Garden of Gathesemane
Who first asked Peter if he knew Jesus?
A servent girl
The poor
But prayer was made without ______
But prayer was made without ceasing
Judas sold Jesus to
Chief Priests
Jesus told peter if he loved him he should feed this animal
To the people he cheated, Zacheus returned this times as much money
Four times
And they overcame him by the ____ of the lamb and the word of their_______
And they overcame him by the Lamb of the lamb and the word of their testimony