Kinetic Energy
Gravitational Potential Energy
Elastic Potential Energy
Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
What is kinetic energy?
What is energy of movement?
What is gravitational potential energy?
What is energy given to an object by its' position above the ground?
What is the definition of elastic potential energy?
What is stored energy released when an object's shape is changed?
A characteristic that can be measured
What is a factor?
The sum of the kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, and elastic potential energy in a system
What is mechanical energy
Fill in the blank: Increased acceleration = ______________ kinetic energy
What is increased?
When would an object have greater gravitational potential energy? At the top off a cliff, or on top of a desk?
What is at the top of the cliff?
Which has more elastic potential energy, a stretched out slinky, or a slinky that is compressed? How do you know?
What is a slinky that is compressed, because that slinky has a the greater potential to be stretched out?
Energy that is stored to be transformed at a later time
What is potential energy?
If there is no friction or air resistance, the mechanical energy of a system changes only if the system does not work on something else or energy is added from outside the system
What is the conservation of mechanical energy?
What happens to the kinetic energy of a bouncy ball RIGHT after it bounces, as it is heading upward in its' path?
What is the kinetic energy decreases?
What happens to gravitational potential energy as a ball bounces upward?
What is gravitational potential energy increases?
Which has greater elastic potential energy, a rubber band that is not stretched, or a rubber band that is stretched? How do you know?
What is a rubber band that is not stretched, as it has the greater potential to stretch out.
A way to increase (or decrease) an object's energy by using a force to change the object's motion or position.
What is work?
Squeezed or pressed together
What is compressed?
What happens to the kinetic energy of a bouncy ball as it is falling downwards in its' path?
What is kinetic energy increases?
What happens to gravitational potential energy as a ball falls downward?
What is gravitational potential energy decreases?
Which has greater elastic potential energy, a bouncy ball, or a baseball? How do you know?
What is a bouncy ball, it has a greater chance to be deformed.
What is a push or pull on an object?
What is a force?
The force of attraction between any two masses. Near Earth's surface, the force that attracts objects towards the Earth
What is gravity?
Which has a greater effect on kinetic energy, mass or speed? Use evidence to back up your claim.
What is speed? Evidence: When the Cart in the Cart/Clay video was pushed at a greater speed, but with less mass, the cart made a greater smoosh than the cart with greater mass, but less speed.
Justin Bieber stands at the top of a 1000 foot cliff. Harry Styles stands at the top of a 14,000 foot mountain. Who has greater gravitational potential energy? How do you know?
Who is Harry Styles? He is higher above the ground so he has greater gravitational potential energy.
If a rubber band is stretched 10cm from its' starting position and held still, what type of energy does this rubber band have? How do you know?
What is Elastic potential energy, when the band is released, the band will snap!
A collection of objects that interact
What is a system?
The rate at which speed changes
What is acceleration?