How many friends did the paralyzed man have?
Where did Jesus take Peter, James, and John?
Up to the top of the mountain
Who did Jesus meet by the well?
A Samaritan woman
What was the name of the pool where people received healing?
The Pool of Bethesda
How do sheep recognize their shepherd?
By the shepherd’s voice
Jesus saw that the friends had a lot of ….
What does “transfiguration” mean?
Change or become different
What did Jesus ask the woman to give Him?
A drink of water
What did Jesus tell the man at the pool after He healed him?
“Get up, take your mat, and walk.”
The good shepherd lays down __ for his sheep.
His life
What was Jesus’s first response after the friends lowered the man through the roof?
“Your sins are forgiven.”
Who was Jesus speaking with when He was transfigured?
Moses and Elijah
What did the woman do after she believed in Jesus?
She ran into town and told everyone about Jesus.
What did the Jews complain about, when they saw the man healed?
They complained that he was carrying his mat on the Sabbath day.
Who do the sheep in the parable represent?
The Christians
What town was Jesus in when the friends brought the paralyzed man to Him?
Where did the disciples hear the voice coming from?
The cloud
Where were Jesus’s disciples while He was sitting at the well?
The disciples were in town, buying food.
How long did the paralyzed man have his health condition before Jesus healed him?
38 years
What does a good shepherd do when one sheep goes missing?
He looks for it until he finds it, and then calls all his friends to celebrate finding his sheep with him.
Why did Jesus tell the man “Your sins are forgiven,” instead of healing him right away?
Jesus wanted to show everyone that He has the power not only to heal, but also to forgive sins.
What did the disciples learn about Jesus when He was transfigured?
They learned that Jesus is the Son of God.
What gift was Jesus talking about, when He said, “If you knew the gift of God and who asked you for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you the gift of…”
Living water, which represents salvation
What does “Bethesda” mean?
House of Mercy
The thief comes to …
Steal, kill, and destroy.