Sign that means to go back to the beginning and play or sing the music again.
What is a repeat sign?
A flag to the stem of a quarter note becomes this note.
What is an eighth note?
When tapping your note, your toe should be in this direction for the + when counting eighth rests.
What is the direction of up?
A dot after a note increase the original note by this value.
What is half the original value?
The note that is CENTERED on ONE ledger line BELOW the treble staff.
What is middle C?
Another way of indicating a repeat in music.
What is 1st and 2nd endings?
In 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time, 8th notes are equal to this amount of beats.
When tapping your toe, your toe should be in this direction on the number when counting eighth rests.
What is the direction of down?
A dotted quarter note receives this many beats.
What is one and a half beats?
What is 2?
On the repeat of the music, skip this ending and go to the 2nd ending.
What is the 1st ending?
Two eighth notes equal this amount of quarter notes.
What is 1 quarter note?
1, 2, 3, and 4 are this type of beat.
What is called ON the beat?
A dotted quarter note is usually followed by this value of note.
What is an eighth note?
ON THE BASS CLEF: Note name with 1 ledger line BELOW the staff.
What is E?
These signs sometimes appear in pairs within a piece of music.
What is a repeat sign?
When two eighth notes are together.
What is beamed together?
Notes or rests on the "+" are considered this type of beat.
What is considered OFF the beat or up-beat?
The number of quarter notes that equals three eighth notes.
What is one quarter note?
ON THE BASS STAFF: One ledger line above the staff and the note head is above the staff.
What is D?
Number of dots in a repeat sign.
What is the number 2?
The symbol that is used to count pairs of eighth notes.
What is an 'an'?
+ or &
This type of rest looks like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
What is an eighth rest?
The number of dotted quarter notes that equals 3 quarter notes.
What is 2 dotted quarter notes?
ON THE TREBLE STAFF: 2 ledger lines ABOVE the staff and note is CENTERED ON the top line.
What is C?