What are the names of our 3 places after the decimal?
tenths, hundreths, thousandths
What word represents our decimal when reading or writing decimals?
What is 1.34 in expanded form?
1 + 0.3 + 0.04
Write an inequality statement for the following decimals: 13.813 and 13.798
13.813 > 13.798
13.798 < 13.798
Write down one of our 3 strategies we use to round decimals
- numberline
- place value chart
- rounding rhyme
What is 0.03 x 10
Write .008 in word form
eight thousandths
What is 2.33 written in fractional expanded form?
2 + 3/10 + 30/100
Compare and write an inequality statement about the following decimals: .008 and .08
.008 < .08
.08 >.008
Round the following decimal to the nearest hundredth: 3.33
Draw a model representing .3 ÷ 10
3 little hundredths cubes should be drawn.
what is thirty-one and eight hundredths written as a decimal?
Javier weighs a couple of paper clips on a digital scale. The paperclips weigh five hundred seventeen thousandths of an ounce. Represent this decimal in expanded form.
5/10 + 1/100 + 7/1,000
Which comparison is true?
Round the following decimal to the nearest tenth: 1.26
Any digit is ______ of the value of the place to its right and _______ of the place of the value to its left.
10 times & 1/10 of
write 3.124 in word form
three and one hundred twenty four thousandths
what is the decimal form of the expression:
5 x 10 + 3 x 1 + 2 x 1/10 + 4 x 1/1,000
Out of the following decimals identify the least and greatest decimal:
- 5.15
- 5.228
- 5.147
LEAST: 5.147
Which decimals rounds to 7.6
Which equations are true?
Maggie’s favorite salad dressing is made with 0.04 liter of vinegar and 0.4 liters of olive oil. . Write each decimal in word form.
four hundreths
four tenths
What is the word form of the expression:
4 x 10 + 4 x 1 + 2 x 1/10 + 4 x 1/1,000
forty-four and two hundred four thousandths
Compare the following decimals from least to greatest:
Round the decimal: 2.273 to the nearest whole number, the nearest tenth, and the nearest hundredth.