n. A false reason put forward to conceal the true one
What is pretext?
What is depict?
Serious, original work
What is a parody?
Ars, Artis <L.
What is "art"
Keegan's __________ of Mary Had a Little Lamb was terrifying.
What is parody?
n. Craftiness, trickery
What is artifice?
Good deeds
What is beneficence?
What is efficacious?
Aoide <G.
What is "song"
Emma creates interesting _________ about different people and situations, especially Capy.
What is odes?
n. An exact copy of a book, painting, document, etc
What is a facsimile?
An excuse
What is a pretext?
What is rhapsodic?
Facio, Factum, etc <L.
What is "to make"
Using the _________ of washing their hands, the boys conceal the real reasons they took a long time in the bathroom.
What is pretext?
v. To calm; to make gentler or softer in feeling
What is to mollify?
Take back
What is recant?
What is facile?
Texo, Texere, etc. <L. "to weave"
What is "to weave"
David often tries to _________ Ms. Dickison's concern by saying "It's okay, it's okay"
What is mollify?
n. Abnormal growth or outgrowth
What is excrescence?
What is artifice?
What is accrue?
Crevi, Cretum, etc <L.
What is "to grow" / "to increase"
Ms. Dickison's stress __________ when she watches her beloved students leap off the hill in painful ways.
What is accrues?