Rama's Father
The boys who led the mules on the canal
Who were Hoagie boys?
Favorite food of the Goldfinch
In Egypt he became Lord of the Underworld
Who is Osiris?
He is sometimes called Hades
Who is Hadyn?
Demoness who lost her nose
What is cement?
Many legged garden hunter
What is a centipede?
She rescued her husband Osiris
She rides at Lucky C stables
Who is Isabella?
Kakeyi's unkind maid
Who is Manthara?
The real name of the Iroquois
What is Haudeenosaunee?
Blueberry lovin' bruin beast
Who is Black Bear?
Two main rivers of Mesopotamia
What are the Tigris and Euphrates?
The current 7th grade teacher's name, and 3 of his students
Who is Mr. Wish, Eduardo, Elijah, Scarlet, Holland, Tavi, _______, __________,
Hanuman gave Sita this
What is a ring?
She was kidnapped by the Lenape and rescued by her husband
Who was Catherine Dubois?
We made jelly out of this fruit
What is Autumn Olive?
The land where Zarathustra lived
What is Persia?
The names of the 2019-2020 1st through 8th grades teachers and the subject teachers
Who was Mr. Kohn, Ms. Lawson, Mr. Lundin, Mr. Evans, Mr. Neel, Mr. Wish, Ms. Gill, Mr's Mark, Aaron and Steve Bernstein, Ms. Jensen, Senora Marta, Frau Doreen, Mr. Richard Ferrano, Ms. McCloskey, Ms. Leibowitz, Mr. Cezary
He shot poison serpent arrows at Rama
Who was Indrajit?
The Iroquois mask wearing society
Who were the False Face Society?
The plant that saved Scotland
The dragon who Marduk slew.
Who is Tiamat?
Last Name of original owner of MLWS school building
What is Hasbrouck?