The first man and woman
Who is Adam and Eve?
The animal Satan used to mislead Eve
What is a snake?
A man whose faith was so large he was willing to leave his comfortable home and go to where Jehovah sent him
Who is Abraham?
The number of plagues Jehovah sent to Egypt
What is 10?
The special tent built to worship Jehovah
What is the tabernacle?
Adam and Eve's home before they sinned
What is the Garden of Eden?
The world's first murderer
Who is Cain?
Don't look back or you'll turn into this
What is a pillar of salt?
The baby found in the Nile river by the pharaoh's daughter
Who is Moses?
The statue Aaron made after the Israelites pressured him to
What is the golden calf?
The most important rule Jehovah gave Adam and Eve
What is "you can eat fruit from all the trees except for one special tree. If you eat fruit from that tree, you will die"?
The evil children of the angels who disobeyed Jehovah
Who are the Nephilim?
What Esau traded his inheritance to Jacob for
What is a bowl of stew?
The sea Jehovah parted in two
What is the red sea?
The two faithful spies
Who are Caleb and Joshua?
The part of Adam that Jehovah used to make Eve
What is Adam's rib?
The sign of Jehovah's promise to never destroy the earth with a flood
What is a rainbow?
A tall tower that Jehovah stopped the construction of and is the reason we have different languages
The way Satan tested Job
What is killing his children, taking his money, and giving him a disease?
The man who rode on a talking donkey
Who is Balaam?
This bible text: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
What is Genesis 1:1?
The number of people who survived the great flood
What is 8?
The way Jacob and Esau made peace
What is Jacob praying for peace, sending Esau gifts, wrestling with an angel, and bowing down to him?
What Moses saw burning when taking care of his sheep
What is the burning bush?
The signal that Jehovah chose Aaron to be priest after Korah's rebellion
What is the staff of flowers?