What are the ABCD's
Acknowledge, Believe, Confess, and Declare
What was Abram's new name?
Who was Habakkuk?
A prophet
What were the people trying to build?
A tower that would reach the Heavens
Who is your favorite Bible study teacher?
Mawi Mawi....any other answer is wrong
What is the important truth a person needs to understand to become a Christian?
Jesus is our Lord and Savior
What was God's promise to Abram?
He would be given a great nation
Did God answer Habakkuk?
Yes, many times
What punishment did God give the humans?
He changed their language
Why is it necessary to believe Jesus is God in order to be saved?
Because He was the one that saved us from His Father's wrath. He defeated death, something only God can do.
What was the difference between the Tower of Babel and the Call of Abram?
God blessed Abram, God punished Babel
Finish the verse: Even when all else fails...
Rejoice in the Lord, always.
Why did the tower anger God?
Because it challenged His authority (the humans were getting too powerful.)
Is the upside-down cross demonic?
No, it is St. Peter's cross