The Complicated Lowell Battalion Fam Bam
How not to be rude
The Star Spangled Whatever
Success and Flags
pretty much free points
Who is at the top of the battalion?
BNCO or Crystal Mom *Steal Points* Who is next in command from her?
Who gets a 21 gun salute?
Presidents, ex presidents, royalty, heads of state *Steal Point* Who gets the 19 gun salute?
What is the National Anthem of the United States?
Star Spangled Banner *STEAL POINTS* What is the National March?
What is the difference between a unit award and an individual award? Give examples.
Unit: a group or team of people Individual: one person, you yourself
What does LET stand for?
Leadership Education and Training
This person plans events, contacts people for review, gives you photo consent forms. Who are they?
s-5 tristian sir
When you see an officer outside, WHAT DO YOU DO?
salute and be at attention 6 steps away. Or salute and walk by.
Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?
Francis Scott Key *Steal Points* Who wrote the National March?
Name at least 3 different types of awards:
Academic, Military, National, Physical and Miscellaneous
What is the JROTC motto? Your group must say it word by word.
To motivate young people to be better citizens
They write SOP's, plan classes, conduct competitions, oversee training, write tests, look over the whole operation of the battalion... WHO ARE THEY????
S-3 - Paula Maam
When an officer walks into the room, what should be called?
The first person who sees them should say "room attention"
When the star spangled banner is played and you are outdoors and in uniform, what do you do?
Face, attention, salute *Steal point* Now you are indoors, do you still salute?
What are the three different flag sizes?
Garrison, Post, Storm (In descending order) *Steal Points* What are the three names for the flags?
What act created the JROTC program and when?
National Defense Act of 1916 What does JROTC stand for?
This person is the foot of the BNCO, they make sure everyone is disciplined, lead CG and collect sit reps. WHO ARE THEY?
David or CSM. *Steal Points* When in uniform and they enter the room, what command must be called?
When did the Star Spangled banner become the official National Anthem?
1931 *Steal points* If it was made 117 years before that, when was the Star spangled banner made?
This person locks up the JROTC facility, confiscates items, rearranges the range, supplies the clean up locker.... WHO ARE THEY???
S-2 or Ethan Sir
When an officer walks into a mess hall, what should happen?
The first person who sees him/her should say "at ease"
When you are walking towards the colors, in uniform what do you do?
salute and keep walking. *Steal points* What if its going towards you????
When you want to raise a flag to half staff, what do you do?
Go really fast all the way up and then slowly back down.