Initial BHA and more
Middle School
High School
What methods do you use to contact parents for initial BHA and does this method give you success for them keeping their scheduled appointment?

I use text first so that I can introduce myself then call so they know my number. I also love when they are meeting for w/teacher or counselor and they introduce me to the parent before the referral is made. 


1st grade parent always texts you and never wants to get on Video but can text you for 30 mins straight. How do you get this parent to join a video call. 

I normally very upfront with the parent of littles, I would like to continue this conversation but a video call would allow me to give you my undivided attention and real time responses to your questions, and we can schedule some time weekly for you to receive updates. 


Mom works two jobs and is unable to take off or make time for any family sessions, SPD's, but the student really needs the service. Mom can only meet in the evenings after 6pm? How would you handle this to communicate with mom? 

I normally available 4 nights a week FRIDAY is not one of them to accommodate parents who work during the day and I determine this during the BHA 


The client is 17, Do I really need to talk to the parent, and the parent says you don't need me they have the problem not me. How do you get the parent to have a session with you? 

With high school parents I let them know although they are on the way out the door, I still need to see them or talk to them for at least 15 mins a month. 

Do you set the expectations of how often you will need to meet with the parents during this meeting?

I found greater success when I let the parent know during the first meeting how often I will need to meet with them besides the 30 treatment plan update. 


How do I do a family session with Spanish speaking parents?

Using  VOYCE is a great service and helps with all languages not just Spanish. 


Parent schedules but always has an excuse on why they cannot make the virtual or in-person session. 

I have found if I schedule for first thing when the student starts school they will come in rather than the middle of the day. 

I feel like the parent does not want to talk to me when we are in the session it is always awkward because I know more than them but this is the reason for the session the client wants to connect. 

I find a connection between me and the parent start the session with that and then easy into the topic. 


What do I do in a family session its is over too fast and not enough for billable?

I normally structure the session, to having the parents express the progress they see then share mine and then I share an intervention with them and how they can use it. 
