Pop Culture
Worldly Facts
Bonus x 5

This legendary "King of Pop" released the album Thriller in 1982, which remains the best-selling album of all time.

Answer: Who is Michael Jackson?


This 1994 film, starring Tom Hanks, follows the life of a man with a low IQ who inadvertently influences historical events like the Vietnam War and Watergate. 

Answer: What is Forrest Gump?


This app, launched in 2016, became popular for short lip-sync and dance videos, especially among Gen Z.

Answer: What is TikTok?


This river is so long, it probably gets tired of people asking, "Are we there yet?" It flows through northeastern Africa and claims the title of the longest in the world. 

Answer: What is the Nile River?


This animal is known for being so slow that algae grows on its fur, and it's a professional napper, sleeping up to 20 hours a day.

Answer: What is a sloth?


This British band, known for hits like "Yellow" and "Viva La Vida," was fronted by Chris Martin.

Answer: Who is Coldplay?


This 1997 film, set on a doomed ocean liner, won 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

Answer: What is Titanic?


This reality TV family, led by matriarch Kris Jenner, rose to fame on a show that aired for 20 seasons.

Answer: Who are the Kardashians?


With over 1.4 billion people, this country has so many people, it’s practically a planet of its own.

Answer: What is China?


This classic board game features colorful properties, fake money, and probably at least one family argument.

Answer: What is Monopoly?


In 2020, this artist became the youngest person to win all four major Grammy categories (Best New Artist, Album of the Year, Record of the Year, and Song of the Year) at just 18.

Answer: Who is Billie Eilish?


This Marvel superhero film, released in 2018, became the first superhero movie to be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars.

Answer: What is Black Panther?


This coffee chain, known for its seasonal pumpkin spice lattes, has over 30,000 locations worldwide.

Answer: What is Starbucks?


Known for a giant tower that looks like an iron toothpick, this European city is the place to go for romance, croissants, and trying to speak French.

Answer: What is Paris?


Known for their colorful hair and love for cupcakes, this animated movie character also sings and dances as leader of the Trolls.

 Answer: Who is Poppy?


This famous rock band sang "Bohemian Rhapsody," a song with a music video that is often credited with popularizing the format.

 Answer: Who is Queen?


In this 1999 sci-fi classic, Keanu Reeves plays Neo, a hacker who learns the true nature of reality.

Answer: What is The Matrix?


In 2021, this actress made history by becoming the first Black woman to win the Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series twice for her role in Euphoria.

Answer: Who is Zendaya?


This country is famous for giant triangular buildings, mummies, and the world’s most mysterious cat statue.

Answer: What is Egypt?


This item in a magician’s toolkit has been helping them pull rabbits out of hats for centuries, and it’s not a wand.

Answer: What is a top hat?


This Canadian artist became an international sensation with the hit song "Blinding Lights" from the album After Hours.

Answer: Who is The Weeknd?


Directed by Steven Spielberg, this 1993 film about genetically resurrected dinosaurs on an island theme park became a major blockbuster.

Answer: What is Jurassic Park?


This K-pop boy band, known for hits like "Dynamite" and "Butter," has a fan base called the "ARMY." 

Answer: Who is BTS?


This mountain stands tall at over 29,000 feet and still doesn’t have enough oxygen for your casual weekend hike.

Answer: What is Mount Everest?


In 2007, this device revolutionized the way people communicated and became the thing people check 157 times a day.

Answer: What is the iPhone?
