Comment dit-on en Français "What is the weather like"?
Quel temps fait-il?
What day of the week is today in French?
(Lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi)
What is one weather condition "en hiver"?
Il neige, il fait froid, il fait mauvais...
What is "J'ai mange une crepe" in English?
I ate a crepe.
Comment dit-on "It is sunny" en francais?
Il fait du soleil.
Comment dit-on en Français "It's snowing"?
Il neige.
Translate into French: It rains in Spring.
Il pleut au printemps.
Write "she bought a shirt." in French...
Elle a achete une chemise.
What measurement of temperature is used in France?
Comment dit-on en Français "It is lightning"?
Il y a des eclairs.
What is "Il pleut beacoup en Washington."
It rains a lot in Washington.
Translate into English: En automne il fait du vent.
In Autumn it's windy.
"Nous avons regarde le film a 20h." in English...
We watched the movie at 8 pm.
Comment dit-on "He is cold" en francais?
Il a froid.
What is "It is drizzling" in French?
Il bruine.
In French, how do you say "it is foggy"?
il fait du brouillard.
What is the last month of the year in French?
Comment dit-on "the girls studied French" en francais?
Les filles ont etudie le francais.
Comment dit-on "snowman" en fracais?
(bon)homme de neige
Comment dit-on "She's cold" en francais?
Elle a froid.
Comment dit-on en Anglais "il fait du soleil"?
It's sunny.
List 2 weather expressions that don't include "fait."
Il bruine. Il grele. Il pluie. Il neige.
Comment dit-on "Mon chien aime l'ete!" en anglais?
My dog likes the summer!