This Fab Five component includes both phonemes (sounds) and letters (graphemes).
What is phonics?
The smallest unit of sound
What is a phoneme?
Make-believe words that give us a sense of how well students can apply decoding to unknown words
What are nonsense words?
Given a spoken word, sounding it out to write it.
What is encoding?
Reading comprehension = language comprehension X THIS
What is decoding (word recognition)?
Our brains are naturally wired for speech, but not for ____.
What is reading?
The number of phonemes in the English language
What is 44?
The type of sounds to choose at the beginning of words when students are struggling to learn how to blend
What are continuous?
What is YOU DO.
Poor readers at the end of THIS GRADE are at very significant risk for long term academic difficulty
What is first grade?
The Fab Five include phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and ______.
What is comprehension?
Two consonants, side-by-side in a word, and both individual sounds are heard (example clap)
What is a blend?
A reason why finger spelling benefits some students (as opposed to tapping sounds)
What is because finger spelling allows the students to hold each sound on their fingers and transition to writing (encoding)
This is the process we use to permanently store words into long term memory
More than 25% of the US adult population cannot ___ or ____.
This Fab Five component includes hearing, producing, and manipulating the individual sounds in speech
What is phonemic awareness?
The number of phonemes in the word "box"
What is 4?
Words that we are able to recognize automatically, without needing to sound it out
What are sight words
True or False: Phonemic Awareness should be taught in kindergarten and first grade, but does not need to be taught in second grade.
What is False?
This medical test can show the parts of the brain being utilized while doing tasks, such as reading.
True or False: The National Reading Panel begin this body of research 3 years ago.
When you segment the word "cat"
What is onset-rime?
Myth or Truth:
We memorize words using our visual memory.
What is MYTH.
This is the difference between /th/ in "this" and /th/ in "think."
What is voiced versus unvoiced?
When articulating sounds, it is important to "clip" the sound so you do NOT add this to the end of the sound
What is /u/.