What color should urine normally be?
What is pale yellow?
Treating every body fluid as a potentially infectious material is called...
What is Universal Precautions (Standard)?
Clinicians should reposition bedbound patients every 2 hours.
Proper catheter drainage bag placement.
What is keeping the bag below the bladder?
*by hanging the bag on the bed frame (immovable section of the bed)
Examples of employer requirements in regards to protecting employees from bloodborne pathogens.
What is providing PPE?
To help prevent pressure injuries the head of the bed should be no more than...
What is 30 degrees?
A PCT is responsible for reporting what on an I&O form?
Name three times when healthcare providers should wash their hands.
What is before every patient contact, after every patient contact, when visibly soiled?
A PCT must do what with a urinary drainage bag? (Name 2)
What is empty as needed and document output; hang on bedframe below bladder?
Moisture Associated Skin Dermatitis is caused by this.
What is prolonged exposure to urine, stool or perspiration?
Minimum time for hand washing?
Multiple pads, towels placed between legs, more than 3 layers, infrequent incontinence care.
What is increasing risk for skin breakdown?
After providing hygienic care, what protectant should be applied to the perineum.
What is barrier cream?
*Medline's blue tube
When removing PPE what should the PCT remove first?
What are gloves?
When you identify a wound on a patient, what are your next steps?