Step by Step
Common Routes of Medication
What is oral, intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), subcutaneous (SQ), and topical?
Baby Back Ribs
What is Placing the baby on their back to sleep?
Hands Up
What is hand hygiene (handwashing)?
Move the crowd
What is range of motion (ROM) exercises?
Example of a Smart Goal
What is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant/Realistic, and Time-bound? An example is: "The patient will ambulate 50 feet with a walker independently within 3 days."
Name the at least five Rights of Medication
What are the right patient, right medication, right dose, right route, and right time?
safety during siezures
What is Restrain the patient to prevent injury?
Protect yourself
What are gloves, gowns, and masks?
What is Bend at the knees and use the legs to lift
Assess Assess and reassess
What is subjective data?
Three Three Three Checks!!
What is (1) when retrieving the medication, (2) before preparing/pouring the medication, and (3) at the patient’s bedside before administration?
Oh the bell
What is keeping the patients call bell out of reach.
It in the air
What are airborne precautions?
The highest of them all
What is Self Actualization
Direct or Indirect
What is a direct nursing intervention?
Routes with rapid absorption
What are intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM)?
Buckle up Teenager
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Just too Contagious
What is a healthcare-associated infection (HAI) or nosocomial infection?
What is safety and security?
The difference
What is: Direct interventions involve hands-on patient care, such as administering medication or wound care. Indirect interventions support patient care but do not involve direct contact, such as consulting with a dietitian or updating the care plan?
Wrong patient
What are (1) assess the patient for adverse effects, (2) notify the provider and follow facility protocol, and (3) document the error and complete an incident report?
What is D) Rescue anyone in immediate danger?
Break every chain
What is the susceptible host?
Love is all I Need
What is love and belonging?