True or False
Which is Not Correct?
Fill in the Blank
What is the true meaning?

1. Jesus spoke in parables so that anybody can easily understand the secrets of the kingdom of heaven.

2. People who understand parables become atoned for their sins and are saved.

3. Those who do not understand the parables become outsiders who do not receive atonement for their sins; thus, they are not saved.

1. False

2. True

3. True


1. A church-like organization is figuratively compared to a bag

2. The true meaning of scales is the word that weighs faith and actions

1. A church-like organization is figuratively compared to a bag


1. Farmer

2. God's Seed

3. Satan's Seed

1. Pastor (shepherd)

2. God's word

3. Falsehood


1. True Vine

2. Wild Vine

1. God's pastor (shepherd)

2. Satan's pastor (shepherd)


1. Bowls and wineskins (vessels) figuratively refer to people's hearts

2. Ecclesiastical authority to rule is figuratively compared to an iron scepter

1. True

2. True


1. In the Bible, songs refer to sermons

2. The song of Moses is the word of the OT

1. In the Bible, songs refer to sermons

1. Light (day)

2. Treasure (pearl, gold)

1. Word of life

2. Word


1. Pot

2. Incense

1. Church

2. Prayers of the saints


1. A man who sowed good seed in his field is a part of the six contents about heaven in Mt13

2. A merchant looking for fine pearls is a part of the six contents about heaven in Mt13

3. Ship and fisherman that catch all kinds of fish from the sea is a part of the six contents about heaven in Mt13

1. True

2. True

3. False


1. The wheat remains in the field, only the weeds are taken to be burned. 

2. The fruits from the good seed are the sons of the kingdom, the fruits from the weeds are the sons of the evil one.

1. The wheat remains in the field, only the weeds are taken to be burned. 


1. Tree

2. Fruit

3. Bird

1. Inner person born again of the seed of the word, pastor (shepherd)

2. A saint (church member) produced by the word

3. Spirit


1. Captain

2. Sailors

3. Passengers

1. Pastor (shepherd) 

2. Evangelist (workers)

3. Saints (church members)


1. God, who gives life, is figuratively called water, rain, and dew

2. The true meaning of river is a person's heart

1. False

2. False


1. The Song of the Lamb is the four gospels, which records Jesus's words

2. The new song refers to the gospel of the physical fulfillment (reality) of the prophecies

1. The Song of the Lamb is the four gospels, which records Jesus's words


1. Darkness (night)

2. Eyes (Lamp, Lampstand)

3. Clothes 

1. Ignorance of not having the word

2. Spirits and people of duty 

3. Heart, Action, Doctrine


1. Wine, Fruit of life, Manna

2. Olive Oil

3. Yeast

1. God's Word

2. A Witness's word of testimony

3. Word of instruction


1. In the Bible, a person who cannot understand the word is figuratively called a beast

2. The Flesh and Blood of the Lamb refer to Jesus's word of life

1. True

2. True


1. The true meaning of a spring (fountain, well) is a pastor (shepherd) and a temple.

2. The saints who belong to God are figuratively called rivers

2. The saints who belong to God are figuratively called rivers


1. Sea

2. Ship

3. Fish

4. Sea of Glass 

1. World

2. Church (organization)

3. Person (saint)

4. Word of God that cleanses our inner-person


1. Incense smoke

2. Fire

3. Censer

1. Prayers Rising

2. Word

3. Person
