Opposition to the New Deal
Tennessee and the New Deal
Labor and the New Deal
The three R's
The name of the series of radio broadcasts that President Roosevelt used to try to ease the country’s fears about the Depression?
What are fireside Chats?
The name of the Catholic priest that openly opposed FDR's financial plan and wanted to nationalize banks. He later lost his support because of his anti-Semitic views.
Who is Father Coughlin?
The first dam built in the Tennessee Valley which was influenced by the Alabama Senator who convinced FDR to develop the Tennessee Valley.
What is Norris Dam?
The New Deal program which planted trees, worked heavily on conservation of natural resources, and build trails all throughout the United States during its existence.
What is the CCC?
Known as the 3 R's, this was FDR's basis for the New Deal.
What is relief, recovery, and reform?
The name given to the initial economic activity in which Congress passed numerous New Deal programs into law?
What was the 1st Hundred Days?
The California doctor whose plan to help the elderly caused many people to lose support for FDR's Social Security Act.
Who is Dr. Townsend?
The New Deal programs that helped Tennessee the most during the Great Depression.
What is the AAA and TVA?
These were the two main New Deal programs that were ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
What is the AAA and the NIRA?
This New Deal program regulated the stock market and helped keep a better eye on Wall Street.
What is the SEC?
How many votes did FDR win the 1932 Presidential election by?
What was over 7,000,000 votes?
The slogan that was used by an influential Louisiana Senator who challenged FDR's New Deal policies.
What is Every Man's a King?
The program that used Eminent domain to move people from their homes and paid them to leave so this New Deal program could be implemented.
What is the the TVA?
Provided money to states to create jobs in the industrial sector mainly in the construction of schools and community buildings. It later became the CWA.
What is the NIRA?
This program was designed to put youths, professionals, and other workers back to work. They build over 850 airports, 651,000 miles of roads, and more than 125,000 public buildings.
What is the WPA?
President Roosevelt did not sign these because he was afraid that he would lose the support of Southern Democrats in the south.
What is federal anti-lynching laws?
This person went by the nickname "The Kingfish" and was assassinated in 1935 because of his treatment of his political opponents.
Who is Huey Long?
This encouraged Tennessee farmers to not farm over 250,000 acres of farmland and paid them over $4.5 million in reparations.
What is the AAA?
The act that made possible the creation of the FDIC and gave people faith in the banking system again.
What is the Glass-Steagall Act?
This helped the elderly over 65, widows, and their children until the age of 18. It was originally only designed to be a ten year plan.
What is the Social Security Act?
The disease that caused FDR to lose the use of his legs in 1921.
What is Polio?
The most outstanding critic of the New Deal who was able to block some of FDR's most radical New Deal programs in 1933 and 1934.
Who is the Supreme Court?
These were the benefits of the TVA throughout the Tennessee Valley during the Great Depression.
What is good paying jobs, controlling flooding, and hydroelectricity.
This important case was a big victory for the New Deal and labor unions during the Great Depression.
What is NLRB v. Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp.?
This became bigger because although reluctant at first to do this FDR did so because the state of "emergency" the country was in.
What is deficit spending?