Curtain #1
Name two places where you can find LGK-CC Symbol?
Curtain #6
Show us your best Moon Walk
Curtain #11
What year did Lear Oshawa open?
Curtain #16
What vehicle do we build? Name the make?
Curtain #21
What is EPC?
Curtain #2
Who is our Customer?
Curtain #7
What PPE is required in the orange crush zone?
Curtain #12
Who is ultimately responsible for quality leaving your job station?
Curtain #17
What is a poka-yoke?
Curtain #22
Who is your Union Chair?
Curtain #3
Who is our Plant Manager?
Curtain #8
What is IPPM?
Curtain #13
When a safety critical issue has been identified, what are you required to do?
Curtain #18
What can be found in an SWI?
Curtain #23
Which one of the Managers look like Thor?
Curtain #4
Name two places where you can find the quality policy?
Curtain #9
Name two contributors to the cost of poor quality?
Curtain #14
What are jobs per hour for Lear Oshawa?
Curtain #19
What are the advantages of job rotation?
Curtain #24
What level do you need to be at to be a trainer (1,2,3 or 4)?
Curtain #5
What does GCA mean?
Curtain #10
Show us your best twerk
Curtain #15
Quality starts with ???
Curtain #20
What is an SWI?
Curtain #25
Name three safety critical components?