What percentage of jobs are landed through networking?
What is your personal network?
Family, friends, class mates- people you know well.
What is the primary goal of networking?
To build meaningful relationships
This is a short, pre-prepared speech that explains what you do and what you are interested in doing clearly and succinctly. It should be no more than 20-30 seconds.
An Elevator Pitch
A professional networking platform, that has 700 million users, and is compared to a digital resume.
What is LinkedIn?
These groups allow people with similar interests, goals, and educational backgrounds to discuss, collaborate, and relate in order to offer each other empathy and feedback
What are peer support groups?
Within 24 hours of meeting the person, you networked with, what should you do?
Send a thank you note/email? In the note, thank the person for any referrals, report what action you have taken or plan to take, and do whatever you promised to do for them if anything.
What is the right follow up etiquette with a new connection?
No more than 3 times and utilize at least two different methods. If still no response, move on. Not everyone will reciprocate and respond to your follow-up attempts and that's OK. You can't win them all.
True or False: Members with 5 or more skills listed are contacted (messaged) up to 33x more by recruiters
What is operational networking? Give an example.
Operational networking is about building relationships inside your company to get work done. An example would be a marketing leader who builds a great relationship with the head of diversity to help him create messages that will engage new market segments.
True or false- By networking, women and men have almost the same opportunity to find a job, men with the chance of 26% and women with a chance of 25%
What are the 3 things you should avoid posting on professional networking sites?
Controversial posts around politics, religion, posts with incorrect information.
The number of seconds you have to make a first impression?
7 seconds
What is strategic business networking?
Strategic networking is about enlisting the support of people who can help you to achieve your strategic business goals. For example, a leader of a non-profit organization might network to build great relationships with entertainers who would then be willing to perform pro bono at a fundraising event.
Even though 100% people know networking is essential, what percentage actually take time to network?
Two things to remember when approaching a new connection in person:
1. Ask for their permission before joining them 2. Don't ask personal questions.
The quickest way to establish rapport. It’s also the most effective.
What is a professional handshake?
Discussion among peers to enhance understanding and increase cliental. This is a subjective marketing tool that is very powerful and can make or break a practice.
Word of mouth
If nothing pops up when employers Google search you, that tells them…
Two things -- you don't know how the world works today (so you are out-of-date) or you are hiding something?
List 5 communication skills that make you standout at networking.
1. Listen more than you talk. 2. Professional/formal body language. 3. Close communication loop. 4. Be positive and polite. 5. Keeping in touch.