How many key phases were there winning the war?
What were the benefits to Canada and the Netherlands after the war?
One of our most important trade, investment and innovation partners is The Netherlands.
The liberation allowed food, and other relief to millions of people including allies before the end of the war.
Dutch women after the liberation married Canada Soldiers.
Name 2 of the battles in the phases
PHASE 1: Clear the area north of Antwerp
PHASE 2: Clear the Breskens "Pocket
PHASE 3: Capture of South Beveland
PHASE 4: Capture of Walcheren Island
On what day did the Germans surrender to Canadian Lieutenant-General Charles Foulkes and H.R.H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands?
On May 5, 1945
Who were the Allies?
Canada, United Kingdom, United States, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands
How many Canadians died?
More than 7,600 Canadians died helping to liberate the Netherlands.
What did Ottawa received from the Netherlands as thanks and appreciation for their soldier's sacrifices and for providing safety to the Dutch Royal Family?
Which leader died by suicide?
What did people eat in the Netherlands to help hunger?
Tulip bulbs
What made the fighting so difficult during the Battle of Scheldt
Weather, flat lands, lack of fuel, winter, heavy defenses, the only land approach was the long narrow causeway from South Beveland