Expressing your thoughts, ideas and feelings in a relationship.
Name two qualities that are used in an unhealthy relationship
Jealousy, Guilt, Manipulation, belittling, deflecting
What is abuse?
Hurting someone else on purpose.
A boundary is...
A limit we put on our personal space / bubble about what is acceptable
What is the address here?
74-03 Commonwealth Blvd. Bldg 55
Bellerose, New York 11426-1839
Establishing what you are comfortable and uncomfortable with.
Name two different types of boundaries
physical, emotional, time
Name two types of abuse
Emotional, Physical, Psychological, Sexual
What can we do if someone is disrespecting our boundaries?
Ask them to stop, show them the correct way to do it
How many inpatient programs does NYCCC have?
Queens and Bronx
This is established over the course of a relationship through showing consistency in words and actions.
Looking to others for…………….. to make your self feel better.
self worth
What can we do if we are being abused?
Tell someone / ask for help
Name two ways someone has crossed the boundary with you.
Name two other programs within NYCCC:
Brooklyn IDT
Queens IDT
Queens Day Treatment
Mobile Integration Team
Bronx inpatient
Not placing blame on others and owning up to your mistakes.
Responsibility and Accountability
Mind games, convincing a partner to ignore their wants, needs, and desires, by using guilt.
How does abuse make us feel?
Embarrassed, Ashamed, hurt ,depressed
Name an example of an emotional boundary.
Your feelings and personal details are part of emotional boundaries. These are crossed when feelings or personal information you have disclosed is belittled, minimized, or shared without your permission.
We are tolerant and respectful of differences in:
Encouraging others to grow separately and together.
This is an often used tactic by abusers to make the victims dependent on them by cutting off their ties to support networks, increasing their power and control.
Why do some people stay in an abusive relationship?
Scared of getting out, no where to go, don't want to get hurt
Name an example of unhealthy boundaries.
What is NYCCC's mission?
Provide comprehensive, individualized mental health treatment to children and adolescents with mental illness in a therapeutic environment.