Who let the dogs out?
Family Folklore
You aren't the boss of me!
Tim Who?
I never said that!

Having mastered water, earth and fire, this avatar is eager to begin her training in airbending in this tv series that inspired the name of our favorite blue eyed dog.

What is the The Legend of Korra?


Every once in a while this event was allowed to add some fun to dinner time with games of lingo, hangman, and tic-tac-toe.

What is Draw on the Table Night?


The shared name of both Reaching for the Top's Executive Director of Occupational Therapist and PPNNE's Director of Marking and Communications.

Who is Amy?


The Tool Man to Buzz Light Year, this Tim also makes his yearly appearance in a classic fan favorite Christmas movie.

Who is Tim Allen?

Desperate to share her art, Ashley confusingly asked the video camera this as if it was a video call and would get a response from her Grandma.

What is 'See Meme SEE!'?


Our pandemic puppy's first nickname adopted from Freddie Highmore fantasy film.

What is Saige-wick?


Adam's favorite Eric Carle's 1986 story that comes with a bonus read-aloud version by Stanley Tucci.

What is 'Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me'?


The target of many pranks including gluing pennies to his penny loafers.

Who is Fred?


Photographer and bird enthusiast, this best man stood at Adams side on his wedding day.

Who is Tim Cunningham?


Diane's one-hit wonder song, sung during a camping home video of baby Ashley taking her shirt off.

What is 'Flashin' Ashley'?


The world is full of scary bags, boxes, tape measures, and noise for dogs, but this fearful object for Curby only became a constant 11 months ago.

What is a binky? (will also accept bubu, pacifier, ect.)


New Hampshire Award winning author, Diane Hichborn, current work in progress where she retells the story of a mother and daughter's one in a life time surprise adventure in Exeter, NH.

What is 'When the Moose Came to Town?'


These two physical attributes are shared not only by two of Brandon's supervisor/teachers but also Brandon himself.

What is a man bun and a gotee?


2023 Person of the year, Emmy winner, 12 time Grammy winner, 23 time MTV Video Music, and 40 time American Music Award winner wrote her debut album at just 15 years old with a song about this famous artist.

Who is Tim McGraw?


Young Melanie's desperate attempt to stop unwanted attention out in public.

What is "I don't want that lady looking at me"?


This sound is commonly only heard from dogs in the Babcock house but is so common that baby Maggies is now mimicking it.

What is growling? 


We all know about the pokemon cards, but this collection Brandon was able to part with to be used as prizes in Diane's classroom.

What are erasers?


PSU sweethearts and recently married partner of Brandon's childhood friend, turned supervisor for Ashley in the Interdisciplinary Studies Department.

Who is Hannah Hounsell?


Vocalist/guitarist from 1990s American punk rock band from Chicago famous for their song that was chosen by Melanie and Brandon for their first dance.

Who is Tim McIlrath from Rise Against?


This sarcastic punchline is commonly adde on to someone else's story by many members of this family, leading to someone asking, "Was it really?"

What is 'that was my nickname in high school'?


This four legged gentleman enjoyed the wonders of college life with Ashley and his mother Abbey.

Who is Lenard?


Dolphin posters, pillows, and imaginary pets, her love for the animal hasn't left. Honored with a bracelet gifted from Pearl, this is the name of Melanie's new dolphin friend.

Who is Jay the Dolphin?


Computer incompetent, this boss shared a name with not a pupil but...

Who is Iris?


Two years in a row, Ashley worked on a play in Exeter featuring a grumpy rich old man, ghosts, and this poor boy.

Who is Tiny Tim?


This Disney throwback quote was popular one year with us girls and soon caught on by Grammy and Grandpa when we visited.

What is 'it's very nice'?
