The new nutrition standards are based on these.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
They provide training and technical assistance at 20 offices across Texas.
Education Service Centers
TDA curated this cookbook to promote the use of seasonal produce.
Cooking for the Seasons
Use this TDA template to solicit vendors to bid on purchased meals for CACFP.
IFB - Invitation for Bid
Proposed rules and final rules are published here.
Federal Register
Text this word to 304-304 to find a summer meal site.
This directory helps you find local agricultural producers.
Farm Fresh Network
Eligible schools can use this provision to serve free meals to all students.
CEP - Community Eligibility Provision
This must be displayed at any site operating federal nutrition programs.
This is a fun way to find out what's in season for any month in Texas.
The Seasonality Wheel
TDA's guidance manual for school nutrition programs.
What is the ARM - Administrators Reference Manual.
This was published to ensure child nutrition programs are properly operated and managed to protect federal funds and taxpayer dollars.
Final Rule on Program Integrity
These help Texans determine if they are eligible for federal nutrition program benefits.
Income Eligibility Guidelines (IEGs)
A monthly newsletter connecting readers with grants, recipes, best practices, and more for using local foods.
This is the name of the new state agency portal.
TANS - Texas Automated Nutrition System