What happened next
More Idioms
What happened next

As Frank marched through the desert, the high winds blew sand at speeds that stung his exposed skin.  He had no idea how long or how far he had walked. He turned his back to the wind and opened his canteen. He attempted to pour it into his mouth, but there was not a drop - it was bone dry. Frank continued walking. His steps slowed. He was getting dizzy. The sun's rays seemed to only increase in intensity throughout the day. It hung high overhead and punished all that resided in the desert beneath it. Frank was lightheaded. He felt his knees get wobbly...

1. What event is most likely to occur next?

Frank will pass out from dehydration and heat.


Sharon had butterflies in her stomach before the championship game.

Sharon is nervous.


She told him the game was up and that she was moving out.

lost situation

negative outcome


Mr. Fox pointed his weapon at Mr. Rabbit, who had already drawn on Mr. Fox. They stared into one another's eyes, each measuring the other's intent. "It doesn't have to go down this way!" Mr. Fox said authoritatively to Mr. Rabbit. Mr. Rabbit smirked, "You're right, Mr. Fox. You could just run away and let me keep the carrot patch." Now it was Mr. Fox who smirked. "I don't think so, Rabbit, not that easily anyway." Mr. Fox coolly announced. Mr. Rabbit snapped back at him, "Well, Fox, I guess we've got a standoff." Mr. Fox squinted at him and replied, "Yup, I guess so." Rabbit's finger tensed on the trigger. A group of construction workers were repairing the highway about thirty feet to the north. They dropped a large steel plate on the road with force. It came down with a crash that sounded like a gunshot...

What event is most likely to occur next?

Mr. Fox & Mr. Rabbit will probably start attacking one another.


Valarie pulled into her mother's driveway on a lovely morning in the month of May. Grandma smiled brightly and welcomed them, "So nice to see you children. You too, Valarie, I hope that you have a wonderful vacation. We will see you in a couple weeks." The kids were wearing shorts and t-shirts and had sunblock on their noses. As mom pulled out of the driveway, a storm cloud rolled across the sky. The temperature suddenly dropped. Grandma looked at the weather report and saw a bunch of snowflake icons across the next few days.  Grandma looked at the shivering children in their summer clothes. "Do you have anything warmer in your bags, kids?" The children shook their heads. Grandma replied, "Ok, well, hop in the car. We've got to go to the store." Tiny snowflakes began to fall...

3. What event is most likely to occur next?

Grandma is going to buy the kids clothes for colder weather.


My parents rolled out the red carpet for our visiting relatives.

Give special attention (clean up, buy nice things {food})


It's dog eats dog out there in the real world!

Extremely competitive


Johnny was walking home on a cool day when the wind caught his hat and carried it out onto the lake. There was a thin layer of ice that covered the water. The hat sat on top of the ice layer, looking like the day that Johnny had bought it. Johnny tested the ice with his toe. It seemed secure, but he could see the water at the edges of the ice. He carefully tiptoed across the sheet of ice to his hat and picked it up. As he did so the ice cracked. A large sheet began drifting away. Johnny was surrounded by cracks. He took another careful step, putting his weight directly on one of the cracks and then...

What event is most likely to occur next?

Johnny will probably fall in the water. 


"Don't forget to lock the barn behind you, so the animals don't get out." Farmer Green told his new farmhand, Danny. Danny nodded. He fed all of the animals, and then he cleaned the stables. Danny was happy to have a job. At first Farmer Green watched him carefully, but gradually he gave Danny some distance, showing him his trust. Danny was exhausted from a hard day's work. He wiped the sweat from his brow and proceeded to exit the barn. He left the lock in a pile of hay by the shovels and shut the door behind himself, walking away from the unlocked door. Danny was off to see Farmer Green to find out his next task...

 What event is most likely to occur next?

The animals are probably going to escape.


The road to success is paved with failures.

Before you achieve success (get what you want) you have to overcome many challenges (work hard).


Let's call a spade a spade: she won't go with him to the prom.

To tell the truth about something, even if it is difficult to accept


"Remember to study for the test tomorrow!" Ms. Claire said before dismissing her class. Lisa wrote the assignment in her notebook but when she got home she just wanted a break from school, so she watched TV. A couple of hours later, Lisa knew that it was time to get to work, but first she would check her email. After another hour on the Internet, Lisa noticed that it was getting late. She opened up the textbook and began looking for the chapter. Then her friend Jenna called. Bobby and Suzy had broken up! Lisa couldn't believe it. She and Jenna talked about it for another hour. Now it was really late and Lisa was tired. She hung up with Jenna and turned to the chapter on rock formations in her science book. She began reading it. Her head felt a little woozy, wobbly and then...

What event is most likely to occur next?

Lisa is probably going to fall asleep.


Kenya was pumped about the dance competition. She was driving there in her mama's car and taking her teammates Dana and Jenna. It was a four-hour car ride. They were singing along to all the songs, replaying the songs that they liked multiple times. They were having so much fun cruising down the highway that Kenya didn't notice the needle on her fuel gauge drop below the E line. The car's engine began sputtering...

7. What event is most likely to occur next?

They will run out of gas and get stranded.


I need to get up early to keep ahead of the game.

Have an advantage of a situation


Each of us is capable of doing something that takes everyone's breath away if only for a moment.

Surprise someone (with beauty)


Mr. Nibbles kissed his family and left his hole in the wall. It was time for him to go to work. His mouse family was counting on him. He slipped into the pantry and found a few cookie crumbs. He nibbled these up quickly. He was looking for something more substantial, something that could feed them all. Then he spotted it. It was a large wedge of Swiss cheese. It was just waiting for him on a platter. The platter appeared to be on some type of catapult device, but Mr. Nibbles didn't really understand engineering. If Mr. Nibbles were literate, he might have noticed the words on the side of the catapult device that said Mouse Killer: 5000 - Reliable Mousetrap. But Mr. Nibbles was not literate. He walked over to the piece of cheese, grabbed it with his teeth and...

What event is most likely to occur next?

Mr. Nibbles is going to get caught in the mouse trap.


"Yeah, I go horseback riding all of the time. My uncle has a horse," Brian told Shannon. Brian's uncle did not have a horse and he had never gone horseback riding in his life. Shannon stared deeply into his eyes and said, "I like you, Brian. Will you come horseback riding with me tomorrow?" Brian agreed without hesitation. He was so excited to spend more time with Shannon that he had forgotten his lie entirely. He showed up at Shannon's house and she asked him why he didn't wear his riding gear. He lied again, telling her that his gear was at the cleaners. Shannon lent him some of her brother's gear and they went to the stables. "This one's called Black Scarlet. He's my brother's horse and he's by far the fastest. Since you're an experienced rider, I'm going to let you take him out." Brian gulped. He figured that horseback riding looked pretty easy in the movies. "Ok," he replied, and then he attempted to mount Black Scarlet...

9. What event is most likely to occur next?

He will probably get thrown off the horse and maybe get hurt.


She told me her friend wasn't fair game.

fair game - allowed

not fair game - something not allowed


We can't live off the fat of the land although indigenous people did so for thousands of years.

 Survive based on what nature provides


Jarod leaned back on the inflatable raft. It was too hot to paddle and he needed to conserve his energy. He had been lost at sea for the last three days. He was out of food and water, and he only had one emergency flare left. Yesterday he saw a plane pass overhead. He lit two flares, hoping to attract the attention of the pilot. The plane did not turn around. Jarod used the map he had salvaged from the wreck as a makeshift visor. He knew that continued exposure to the sun would kill him sooner than anything else. Then he saw a small blob on the horizon. He could do nothing but wait. Twenty minutes later, the blob had grown to the shape of a yacht. It appeared to be a cruise ship of some sort. It was about five hundred yards away. While Jarod could see the yacht, it was unlikely that anyone on the cruse ship could see Jarod's tiny raft from that distance. Jarod knew he had to try anyway. He tied his sweater to his oar and began waving it in the air. He was exhausted, but he mustered the strength. As the yacht appeared to be sailing away, Jarod made one last-ditch effort and fired the emergency flare. The small flare shot up about twenty feet in the air and popped. Jarod lowered his head in dismay.

Then he heard a loud toot. The ship appeared to be turning. He heard the ship toot its horn again as it continued turning toward Jarod. He jumped up and down in the life raft and continued waving the makeshift flag he had constructed...

What event is most likely to occur next?

The ship is probably going to save jarod.
