
What is the first stage of the program launch process?

Identify program


Name one program in the College of Arts, Sciences & Education that we market but do not recruit for?

Ms Higher Education Administration


Name the degree that is considered a degree in smart devices.

BS Internet of Things


I don't want to invest in a full engineering degree but I want to learn the field.  What are my options?

A certificate in Enterprise Systems or Engineering Management.

Just 5 classes (15 credits)


What is the stage of the program launch process where recruitment get's trained on a new program?

Program Approval Stage


Name the program in the Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work that we market for but don't recruit for?

Master of Public Health


What technology degree does not require heavy calculus?

BS Internet of Things


I hate Math but I hate Calculus even more.  The challenge is that I love technology and the way it works. What can I do?

Great news! You can pursue a degree in smart devices with our BS in Internet of Things with no heavy calculus.


Where is the first place that program information will be posted, when available?

Program page on website


Name 2 programs that we will no longer recruit for after Fall 2019?

MS Curriculum & Instruction

MS Special Education


Name the undergraduate degree that allow students to acquire advanced skills in communication, argumentation and writing.

BA English: Writing and Rhetoric Track


I love leadership. I am looking for a master's degree that focuses mostly on soft skills and making a difference. After earning my bachelor's degree, I want to play a role and change things for the better while having an impact on students that come after me. 

The MS in Higher Education is a perfect fit for you! You can change policies and student experiences, all while working in a great culture and institution.


If the program information you are looking for is not posted on the program page, what should you do?

Post your question on the slack channel.


Name the program in the Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management.

MS in Hospitality Management and Corresponding Tracks

Name a graduate degree that does not require a GRE and its curriculum is more focused on soft skills?

MS Higher Education Administration


The job market is so saturated with applicants that have an MBA. I want to gain knowledge in the business field but I don't want to pursue an MBA. What can I do?

FIU's Master of International Business is a specialized master's degree in business that will provide you with a global perspective of the field.


When should the new program handbook be completed?

July 2019


What is the process for leads that inquire about a program that we market but don't recruit for?

Lead information should be collected and entered into salesforce so the workflow can be initiated and lead will be sent to the appropriate point of contact.


Name a graduate degree program that has had its curriculum completely redesigned to match the reality of the global economy and provide students with relevant skills sought by employers?

Master of International Business


My parents tell me that what we hear on the news today was not the same back in the day.  The amount of diseases we hear about and how they are spreading like wildfires is just alarming.  A friend told me that he did not want to go to the beach because of the high levels of bacteria in the water.  It feels like people have stopped living life to the fullest because of fear.  I want to do something about this. Is there a degree I can pursue that would help impact change in these areas?

It sounds like you want to be a part of working towards the greater good.  We have the perfect degree for you. The Master of Public Health covers exactly what you are talking about.

Professionals in public health work to prevent the spread of disease and protect people from getting hurt.

This degree also prepares students for interdisciplinary public health careers that investigate the epidemiology or distribution of diseases.
