What is the first book of the Bible?
What is Genesis
Who is Jesus' mother?
Who is Mary?
How many Commandments are there?
What is 10?
Who is Jesus' real father?
Who is God?
How many days did it take God to create the Heavens and Earth?
What is 6 days? ( He rested the 7th day)
How is the Bible split up?
What is the Old and New Testament?
Who got swallowed by a big fish?
Who is Jonah?
What is the first commandments?
What is "Put God first" ?
What is Jesus' earthly Father's name?
Who is Joseph?
Who was given the coats of many colors?
Who is Joseph?
What is the fourth book of the Bible?
What is Numbers?
Who was thrown in the Lion's den?
Who is Daniel?
Which commandments states " Honor your mother and father" ?
What is the 5th commandment?
Where was Jesus born?
What is Bethlehem?
Who were the first two humans that God made? (They also ate the forbidden apple)
Who are Adam and Eve?
How many books are in the Old Testament?
What is 39?
Who did God send to save the Israelites/ Hebrews from Pharaoh ?
Who is Moses?
What is the 10th commandment?
What is " Do not be jealous" ?
What 3 gifts were brought to Jesus by the wise men?
What is gold, frankincense, and myrrh?
Who was thrown in the fiery furnace?
Who are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?
How many books are in the New Testament?
What is 27?
Who betrayed Jesus?
Who is Judas?
What were the original commandments written on?
What is Stone Tablets ?
Why was Jesus born?
What is "to save the world from our sins" ?
Who fought a giant named Goliath with a sling shot?
Who is David?