What to Do
Where is it
What does ADSRF stand for? What is the DOC ID?
What is.. Additional Device Savings Recovery Fee DOCID: POL76
What is the ICM Default Work folder for? How often do we check it?
What is Action items and cases. Everyday
What are the Fido caring Behaviors?
What is BeFriendly BeAttentive BeResponsive BeSmart
What do we ask an auth level 2 during authentication?
What is name of account holder and postal code
True or False. You should use FidoTelli's To Evolve Tool to bridge to a sale at the beginning of each call?
What is False.
There are 2 types of Errors, What are they?
What is 1. Transactional/Servicing Error 2. Servicing Error
What are 2 port out triggers?
What is What is my agreement end date What is my account number? I broke/lost my phone Competition I want to cancel
What does TAPE Stand for
What is Trigger Amplify Peak Ease
What is the name of the page in Nova that tells you about Fido's Caring Behaviors?
What is Quality Grid User Guide DOCID: REF21
True or False. Customers can purchase accessories through Fido's MyAccount App?
What is False
What is the name of the article and DOCID which will tell you how to handle a call when a customer wants to return/exchange their equipment?
What is PRO 253: Return/Exchange of equipment (monthly)
What is the tool you would use if your customer called and said his voicemail wasn’t working? Where would you find it?
What is TST Troubleshooting tool Found under Useful links
What are the first 3 steps of the Wowville Roadmap?
What is Greeting Restate and Relate Ownership
When creating a Port Request, What is the first thing we do before beginning the process:
What is: Call the number the customer wants to port in to make sure it is still active. Exception: Don’t call if the customer confirms he’s calling you from that number. PRO197
Your customer would like to bring their cellular number to Fido from Telus Mobility. What will you tell them in regards to how long it will take to complete? **you must be specific What is the Nova DOC ID:
What is: It usually takes about 2.5 hours to complete the port in, but it could take up to a week depending on the complexity of the transfer and your Old Service Provider (OSP). NOVA DOC ID: PRO197
What should you include in your notes if a customer reports their phone was lost/stolen?
What is PRO 7 o Reason why a service restriction was applied. o Name of the requester (only if not the account holder). o Date the phone was lost or stolen.
True or False. A customer can only access MyAccount if they have an active line with Fido?
What is True
"I can definitely help you with that" is an example of what behaviour?
What is Ownership
When is a TOR Not permitted? Hint: 3 situations
What is: -Within the first 60 days after activation. Account must show a payment since activation -If a Hardware Upgrade or HUP was completed in the past 60 days. If hardware charges, if applicable, have not been paid in full. -If a TOR was completed in the past 60 days
True or False. We must process an equipment return request for a customer who would like to return their equipment and deactivate their service. They phone was purchased at a store.
What is False. We will only process the return request if the phone was purchased through the call center or Fido Direct
When handling critical situations what are the 4 guiding principles:
What is Stay calm Use hold properly Sound confident Focus on facts
What is the name of the tool we can use to Track an Order
What is Web Order Inquiry Tool PRO355
What are the stages of the communication Funnel?
What is Open ended Probing Closed Summarize
Your customer would like to return the phone they ordered. What 2 tools will help you in determining if the phone is eligible to be returned?
What is V21: 15-Day Satisfaction Guarantee Eligibility Function KMT: Warranty Grid
True or False. The scenario below is an investigational Type of call. Your customer would like to know when his phone order will arrive. He ordered the phone 10 days ago.
What is True. This is an investigational type of call